Deprecated feature: Troubleshooting: Loading changed data with the mass load utility

You encounter problems when you load changed data with the idresgen and massload utility.

If you have problems when you mass load changed data, see Troubleshooting: Changed data and Troubleshooting: idresgen utility.

In addition, the idresgen and massload utilities each include an error reporter that generates log files if there are problems when you run the commands. The idresgen log file is in the following directory:

  • DB2 WC_installdir /logs/idresgen.db2.log
  • Oracle WC_installdir /logs/

The massload log file is in this directory:

  • DB2 WC_installdir /logs/massload.db2.log
  • Oracle WC_installdir /logs/

You can also review the WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/logs/messages.txt and WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/logs/trace.txt log files to help resolve any mass loading problems.