Creating store-catalog-shipping assets
In order to associate shipping modes with your store, you must associate a calculation code with the catalog entries in your store for each contract your store includes.
About this task
You must create your store and catalog assets before you can create store-catalog-shipping assets.
To create store-catalog-shipping assets:
- Create an XML file that follows the wcs.dtd file. The DTD
file is located in the following directory:
- WC_installdir/schema/xml
- workspace_dir/wc/xml/sar/
- Create the store-catalog-shipping relationship by adding
information to the CATENCALCD table. Use the following example as
your guide:
<catencalcd calcode_id="@calcode_id_1" catencalcd_id="@catencalcd_id_1" store_id="@storeent_id_1" />