Bootstrap files
Bootstrap files are XML files which WebSphere Commerce uses during instance creation to populate database tables with information after the schema is created. Once the data is loaded, you can see the preloaded information in the appropriate database table. Bootstrap files can be used to retrieve information about specific data, such as calculation codes and pricing policies.
WebSphere Commerce uses the following bootstrap files:
- ACUserGroups_ locale.xml
- defaultAccessControlPolicies.xml
- defaultAccessControlPolicies_ locale.xml
- ubf_transformed.xml
- wcs.bootstrap.xml
- wcs.bootstrap_adv.xml
- wcs.bootstrap_adv_ locale.xml
- wcs.bootstrap_pro.xml
- wcs.bootstrap_pro_ locale.xml
- wcs.bootstrap_ locale.xml
- wcs.bootstrap_multi_ locale.xml
- wcs.features_bootstrap.xml
- wcs.keys.xml
- wcs.userreg.xml
These files are located under the WC_installdir/schema/xml directory.
- wcs.staging.xml
- wcs.staging.keys.xml
Existing bootstrap files from previous releases of WebSphere Commerce is renamed to include "_base". For example, wcs.bootstrap_base.xml.
New bootstrap files are componentized based on WebSphere Commerce features, and contain data for only the specified WebSphere Commerce feature. The following features use componentized WebSphere Commerce bootstrap files:
- Analytics (wcs.bootstrap_bi.xml)
- Catalog
- Contracts
- Business tools
- Development tools
- Inventory
- Marketing (campaigns, email activities, experimentation, segmentation)
- Members
- Messaging
- Negotiation
- Orders
- Promotions
- Pricing
- Returns
- Runtime
- Security
- Tickler
- Trading
- Workspaces
New bootstrap files contain the component name within the file name. For example, wcs.bootstrap_catalog.xml.