Creating pricing assets
There are three main methods to create pricing assets.
About this task
To create pricing assets:
- Create prices using the Product Management tools in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Using the tools in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator is most suited to creating prices for a very small catalog. Note that only the master price list can be modified this way.
- Create prices in an XML file, which can be loaded by the WebSphere Commerce loading utilities, or as a part of a store archive, which can be published through the Publish wizard. This method is more suitable for creating large amounts of data. You can import this data to any existing price list.
- You can also create a new price list. You need to associate the new price list through contract terms and conditions.
To create pricing assets in the format of XML files that can be loaded into the database using the loading utilities:
Create an XML file that follows the offering.dtd. The DTD files are located in the following
- WC_installdir/xml/sar/
- workspace_dir/wc/xml/sar/
Using the following example as your guide, create a trading position container in your XML file
in the TRADEPOSCN table:
<tradeposcn tradeposcn_id="@tradeposcn_id_1" member_id="&MEMBER_ID;" markfordelete="0" name="&STORE_IDENTIFIER;" precedence="0" />
Associate the master catalog with a trading position container by adding information to the
CATGRPTPC table. When you associate the master catalog with a trading position container, every
catalog entry in the master catalog must have a standard price.
<catgrptpc catalog_id="@catalog_id_1" tradeposcn_id="@tradeposcn_id_1" />
Using the following example as your guide, create an offer for a catalog entry by adding
information to the OFFER table. Note that you must have created catalog entries
before you can create prices.
<offer offer_id="@offer_product_id_furniture_loungechair_1" startdate="2003-01-01 00:00:00.000000" catentry_id="@catentry_product_id_furniture_loungechair_1" precedence="0" published="1" identifier="100" flags="1" tradeposcn_id="&TRADEPOSCN_ID;" />
Using the following example as your guide, create an offer price for a catalog entry by adding
information to the OFFERPRICE table. The offer price is the actual price at which a
catalog entry is offered for sale. Note that you must have created catalog entries before you can
create prices.
<offerprice offer_id="@offer_product_id_furniture_loungechair_1" currency="USD" price="449.99" />
Note: To display multiple currencies in your store, create a separate XML entry in the OFFERPRICE table for each currency. For example, to display the currency in Canadian dollars, usecurrency="CAD"
in a new XML entry. Theprice
value would change to reflect the price in Canadian dollars. Or you can use a conversion, allowing the customer to display different rates based on the currency they select. - Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all catalog entries in your catalog.