Recurring order details page

The recurring order details page displays all the information that is related to a previously placed recurring order and its child orders. In the order details page, the information is broken down into four sections: Order details, shipping information, recurring order details and billing information. The order details section contains the recurring order number and date. The shipping information section contains the shipping address and method. It also contains the products included in the shipment, including the product picture, name, quantity, and price. The recurring order details section displays the order frequency, start date, and the next scheduled delivery. The billing information section contains the payment number, billing address, and billing method. The Print button formats a printable version of the current page.

Elements of the My Account: Recurring orders details page

Recurring orders page screen capture

Full size screen capture

Standard functions on this page

1 Shipping Information
Displays the shipping information for the order.
2 Product list
Displays the list of products in the recurring order.
3 Recurring Order
Displays the recurring order information with the frequency of the order, start date, and next scheduled delivery
4 Billing Information
Displays the billing information for the order.

Links and buttons

5 Print
Prints the recurring orders page.