
For IBM i OS operating systemWindowsAIXLinuxSolaris Using an existing DB2 Database installation

If you are doing a custom installation of WebSphere Commerce, you can use an existing DB2 Database installation.

  • SolarisLinuxAIXBy default, WebSphere Commerce uses a 32-bit JVM to communicate with a 32-bit DB2 client. However, you can also use a 64-bit JVM to communicate with either a 32-bit or 64-bit DB2 client or a 32-bit or 64-bit local DB2 server. If you choose to do so, you must ensure that all settings are properly configured.

Before you begin

  • Check your version of DB2 Database by issuing the following command from a DB2 command line: db2level
  • WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional Your existing DB2 Database installation must be DB2 Database Enterprise Server Edition Version or later.
  • WebSphere Commerce - ExpressLinuxWindowsYour existing DB2 Database installation must be DB2 Database Express Edition or Enterprise Server Edition Version or later.
For more information about the recommended level of DB2 to use, see Recommended fixes and settings for WebSphere Commerce Version 7. For current installation instructions see the following topics:
  • IBM DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows documentation
  • WebSphere Commerce Version or laterIBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows documentation
    • For new WebSphere Commerce version installations, if you want to use DB2 version 9.7, it must be installed before you install WebSphere Commerce. WebSphere Commerce version does not automatically install DB2 version
    • The terms of the IBM Software License Agreement for WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 were modified under the "Supporting Programs" section with the addition of DB2 version 9.7. To review and accept the modified license agreement, run the installation program for WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 Feature Pack 1 or higher, and accept the modified license.
      To activate the copy of the DB2 Version 9.7 program that is provided with WebSphere Commerce V7.0, you must download and use one of the following eImages (or equivalent physical media):
      • IBM DB2 9.7, Enterprise Server Edition - Restricted Use - QuickStart Guide and Activation Multiplatform Multilingual (CZ381ML)
      • IBM DB2 9.7, Express Edition - Restricted Use - QuickStart Guide and Activation Multiplatform Multilingual (CZ382ML)
      Unlike the supplied DB2 version 9.5 images, the activation key is not included within the DB2 version 9.7 eImages
    • For existing WebSphere Commerce version users, if you want to migrate from DB2 version 9.5 fix pack 4 to DB2 version 9.7 fix pack 1, install WebSphere Commerce version 7 fix pack 1 first. After completing the installation of the WebSphere Commerce fix pack, proceed with the steps in Migrating your database from DB2 V9.5 to DB2 V9.7.
    • Issues exist related to database schema creation when using DB2 V9.7 Fix Pack 5 or later. For more information, see swg21572427.


  1. SolarisLinuxAIX Create the user IDs required by WebSphere Commerce as outlined in AIXCreating WebSphere Commerce users and groupsLinuxCreating WebSphere Commerce users and groupsSolarisCreating WebSphere Commerce users and groups.
    When you specify a DB2 password, ensure that it meets the naming restrictions for WebSphere Commerce databases. If restricted characters are used in database passwords, you can encounter connection errors when using utilities that take these passwords as input on the command line. For more information, see Troubleshooting: Database connection errors when utilities run from a command-line interface

    For information about how to create user IDs and groups, see your operating system documentation.

    Ensure that you set the passwords for the database user ID, since it can be possible to create the user ID without a password. If this database user ID does not have a password associated with it, WebSphere Commerce might not function correctly.

  2. LinuxAIX Add the DB2 Fenced user group to the list of groups associated with the WebSphere Commerce non-root user ID. For example, if you are using wasuser as your WebSphere Commerce non-root user ID, add that user to the db2fgrp1 group.
  3. SolarisLinuxAIX Add the DB2 Fenced user group to the list of groups associated with the DB2 Database user ID. For example, if you used default values during your DB2 Database installation, add db2inst1 as a user in the db2fgrp1 group. If you are planning to use a multiple node topology, do this only on the database server node.
    Note: The DB2 fenced user permissions are required for running binaries or libraries that run outside of the DB2 address space. Since the physical location of these binaries or libraries are where the DB2 server resides, the permissions need to be set only on the server. So, if you want to use an existing DB2 installation that is remote to where you will install WebSphere Commerce, you do not need to set the permissions where you plan to install WebSphere Commerce. Additionally, if you do not need this level of security, you can use the instance owner as the fenced user. For more information about the DB2 Fenced user group, see the DB2 Database documentation.
  4. SolarisLinuxAIX If you are logged in as the database user ID or the WebSphere Commerce non-root user ID, log off so that these changes can take effect.
  5. If you are using a remote database server, update the DB2 profile registries on the database server using the db2set command:
    db2set DB2_WORKLOAD=WC
    db2set DB2BIDI=yes 

    For detailed information about DB2 profile registries and the db2set command, see your DB2 Database documentation.

  6. If you are on DB2 Version 9.7 and you are using a remote database server, copy the DB2 bind file db2_adminotm.bnd from the DB2 server to the DB2 client.
    By default, the bnd file is in the following directory:
    • SolarisLinuxAIX$INSTHOME/sqllib/bnd
    • WindowsDB2_installdir\bnd
    • Ensure that both the server and client are the same fix pack level when you copy the files.
    • The DB2 Version 9.7 registry variable DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR is not supported.
    • Deprecated featureWebSphere Commerce Payments is deprecated in WebSphere Commerce Version 7. You cannot use DB2 Version 9.7 with WebSphere Commerce Payments.
  7. In a remote DB2 environment, the DB2 server self-tuning memory feature is not enabled by default. This is due to a limitation in DB2 Database Version
    You must turn on the database self-tuning memory feature by running the following commands as an administrator on your database server:
    db2 connect to dbname
    db2 update db cfg using SELF_TUNING_MEM ON
    This problem is also covered by DB2 APAR IZ55341.
  8. Restart the DB2 Database.