
Troubleshooting: Determining the WebSphere Commerce version, level, and features that are enabled

After installing a feature pack, you can enable one or more features. You enable a feature on a WebSphere Commerce instance. After enabling the feature you should verify the enablement is successful.You can use the versionInfo utility to check the WebSphere Commerce version, level, and features that are enabled on your environment.


After enabling a WebSphere Commerce feature you want to verify that it is enabled on your instance.


To verify version, level, and features that are enabled on your WebSphere Commerce instance, complete the following steps:

  1. For IBM i OS operating systemStart a Qshell session.
  2. From a command prompt run the following command:
    • SolarisLinuxAIXWC_installdir/bin/ WC_installdir/instances/instance_name
    • For IBM i OS operating systemWC_installdir/bin/ WC_userdir/instances/instance_name
    • WindowsWC_installdir/bin/versionInfo.bat WC_installdir/instances/instance_name
  3. Review the output. Running this command produces an output that includes the product information. For example:
    • WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 1:
      Installed Product
      Name                    IBM WebSphere Commerce
      ID                      wc.fep1
      Build Level             xxxxxxx
      Build Date              xx/xx/xx
    Note: If you have not enabled a WebSphere Commerce feature on your instance, an output similar to the following is displayed:
    Installed Product
    Name                    IBM WebSphere Commerce
    Version                 7.0.0.Z
    ID                      wc.server.YY
    Build Level             xxxxxxxxx 
    Build Date              xx/xx/xx

    Where Z is the fix pack number that you have installed and YY is the edition of WebSphere Commerce.

  4. To verify the features that are enabled on your instance, run the checkEnablement utility. For more information, see Listing the status of WebSphere Commerce features.