Accessing the Software Distribution Self Service Portal

Endpoint users can access the Software Distribution Self Service Portal by using any web browser.

Before you begin

Obtain the URL of the Self Service Portal from your administrator. This web address is determined by your administrator and is different for every deployment.


  1. From your web browser, enter the appropriate URL.
    The syntax of the URL is as follows: https://<ssphostname>:<port>/ssp.
  2. Log in to the self service portal.
    By default, the email address and password that are specified in your LDAP account are used.
    Note: The console operator can specify the login attribute during the configuration of the Trusted Service Provider. The login attribute can be the user name or any other field available in LDAP.
    Figure 1: Self service portal login page

    Self service portal login page
    Note: When you are logged in to the Self Service Portal, changes made to the Application Management Group by your administrator do not immediately take effect. You can see the changes in your next login session.

What to do next

You can add a computer or install software on one of the registered computers. For more information, see the following topics: