Cloud Plugins Inspectors
Resources reported by the cloud plugins contain a lot of information related to the instances they represent. Such data is made available through numerous inspectors.
These inspectors are divided between the common section, that all plugins share, and a more specific section for each plugin which is exclusive to the single plugin. In this topic, we describe the common inspectors.
Computer Name
computer name: string
The display name of the device.
main processor: processor
Returns the processor object corresponding to the main processor.
speed of <processor>: hertz
Returns the speed of the processor in Hertz.
family name of <processor>: string
Returns the family name of the CPU.
Data Source
data source: string
The data source is the name of the system where data is coming from.
Device ID
device id: string
The device ID is a unique identifier for each device.
Device Type
device type: string
The type of device. For cloud plugins resources, it is set to “Cloud” by default.
DNS Name
dns name: string
The DNS name.
network: network
The network inspectors report data about the network configuration.
ip interfaces of <network>: plural ip interface
Returns all the ip interfaces of the network.
address of <ip interface>: ipv4or6 address
Returns the ip address of the ip interface.
subnet address of <ip interface>: ipv4or6 address
Returns the subnet address to which the specified interface belongs.
loopback of <ip interface>: boolean
Indicates whether the particular network ip interface is a loopback interface.
adapters of <network>: plural network adapter
Returns the one or more network adapter objects of the network.
up of <network adapter>: boolean
Returns True if the specified network adapter is currently working.
loopback of <network adapter>: boolean
Returns True if the specified network adapter is a loopback interface.
ipv6 interfaces of <network adapter>: plural network adapter interface
Returns the IPv6 interfaces of the specified network adapter as a network adapter interface type.
address of <network adapter interface>: ipv4or6 address
Returns the IP address of the specified network adapter interface as an ipv4or6 address type.
operating system: operating system
The OS inspectors return data about the operating system. By default the name and version are reported, but additional properties are available depending on the cloud plugin.
name of <operating system>: string
The name of the OS.
version of <operating system>: version
The version of the OS.
ram: ram
Returns a ram object for inspecting the properties of random access memory of the machine. Additional properties are available depending on the cloud plugin.
size of <ram>: integer
Returns the number of bytes of random access memory on the current machine.