AWS Asset Discovery Plugin Inspectors
AMI launch index
ami launch index: integer
The AMI launch index.
Association Overview
association overview: association overview
The Association Overview inspectors return the status information about the aggregated associations.
detailed status of <association overview>: string
The detailed status information about the aggregated associations.
status count of <association overview>: string
The number of associations for the instance.
AWS Image
aws image: aws image
The AWS Image inspectors represent an AMI and its properties.
id of <aws image>: string
The ID of the AMI.
name of <aws image>: string
The name of the AMI.
architecture of <aws image>: string
The architecture of the AMI.
description of <aws image>: string
The description that was provided during the AMI creation.
creation date of <aws image>: string
The time and date of the AMI creation.
hypervisor of <aws image>: string
The hypervisor of the AMI.
location of <aws image>: string
The location of the AMI.
owner alias of <aws image>: string
The AWS account alias or the AWS account ID of the AMI owner.
type of <aws image>: string
The type of the AMI.
kernel id of <aws image>: string
The kernel associated with the image, if any. Only applicable for machine images.
public of <aws image>: boolean
Returns true if the image has public launch permissions or false if it has only implicit and explicit launch permissions.
tags of <aws image>: plural tag
An array of tags assigned to the AMI.
product codes of <aws image>: plural product code
An array of product codes.
virtualization type of <aws image>: string
The virtualization type of the AMI.
platform details of <aws image>: string
The platform details associated with the billing code of the AMI.
Block Device Mapping
block device mapping: block device mapping
[block device mapping, block device mappings]: plural block device mapping
The Block Device Mapping inspectors describes a block device mapping. The return an array of data for each block device mapping.
device name of <block device mapping>: string
The device name of the block device mapping.
ebs of <block device mapping>: ebs
Parameters used to automatically set up EBS volumes when the instance is launched.
CPU Package
cpupackage: cpupackage
The CPU Package inspectors return data about the CPU options.
core of <cpupackage>: integer
The number of cores for the instance.
thread of <cpupackage>: integer
The number of threads per core.
Credentials Label
credentials label: string
The credentials label is a custom string defined by the user when installing the plugin. It uniquely identifies a user’s set of credentials.
Credentials Role
credentials role: string
The role ARN of the IAM Role through which the instance was discovered. The value is left empty if no role is specified in the credentials.
ebs: ebs
ebses: plural ebs
The EBS inspectors describe the parameters used to set up an EBS volume in a block device mapping.
attach time of <ebs>: string
The time stamp when the attachment initiated.
delete on termination of <ebs>: boolean
Indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination.
status of <ebs>: string
The attachment state.
volume id of <ebs>: string
The ID of the EBS volume.
ENA enabled
ena enabled: boolean
Specifies whether enhanced networking with ENA is enabled.
hypervisor: string
The hypervisor of the instance.
Image ID
image id: string
The ID of the AMI image used to launch the instance.
Instance ID
instance id: string
The unique identifier for the instance.
Instance Type
instance type: string
The type of the instance.
Key name
key name: string
The name of the key pair the instance was launched with, if any.
Launch Time
launch time: string
The time the instance was launched.
Owner ID
owner id: integer
The ID of the instance owner.
placement: placement
The location where the instance launched, if applicable.
affinity of <placement>: string
The affinity setting for the instance on the Dedicated Host.
availability zone of <placement>: string
The availability zone of the instance.
group name of <placement>: string
The name of the placement group the instance is in.
host id of <placement>: string
The ID of the Dedicated Host on which the instance resides.
partition number of <placement>: string
The number of the partition the instance is in. Valid only if the placement group strategy is set to partition.
spread domain of <placement>: string
The spread domain of the instance.
tenancy of <placement>: string
The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC).
Private DNS name
private dns name: string
The private DNS hostname name assigned to the instance.
Private IP Address
private ip address: string
The private IPv4 address assigned to the instance.
Product Code
product codes: plural product codes
The product code inspectors return an object that describes a product code.
id of <product code>: string
The product code.
type of <product code>: string
The type of the product code.
Public IP Address
public ip address: string
The public IPv4 address, or the Carrier IP address assigned to the instance.
Public DNS name
public dns name: string
The public DNS hostname name assigned to the instance.
region: string
The AWS Region where the instance resides.
Requested ID
requester id: integer
The ID of the requester that launched the instances on your behalf.
Root Device Type
root device type: string
The root device type used by the AMI.
Security Group
security groups: plural security group
The Security Group inspectors return data about the security groups assigned to an instance.
id of <security group>: string
The ID of the security group.
name of <security group>: string
The name of the security group.
state: string
The current state of the instance.
Subnet ID
subnet id: string
The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running.
System Manager
system manager: system manager
The System Manager inspectors returns information about the AWS System Manager, if available for the instance. The System Manager inspectors are required for the BigFix Agent deployment on AWS through native APIs. See BigFix Agent installation on cloud resources for further details.
activation id of <system manager>: string
The activation ID created by Systems Manager when the server or VM was registered.
agent version of <system manager>: string
The version of the SSM agent present on the instance, if any. Should exist for the BigFix Agent installation.
association overview of <system manager>: association overview
Returns the overview of the aggregated association.
association status of <system manager>: string
The status of the association.
computer name of <system manager>: string
The fully qualified domain name of the instance.
ip address of <system manager>: string
The IP address of the instance.
iam role of <system manager>: string
The IAM Role assigned to the on-premises Systems Manager managed instance.
instance id of <system manager>: string
The instance ID.
latest version of <system manager>: boolean
The version of the SSM Agent installed.
last association execution of <system manager>: string
The last date the association was run.
last ping of <system manager>: string
The time and date the SSM Agent pinged the System Manager service.
last successful association of <system manager>: string
The last date the association was successfully run.
name of <system manager>: string
The name assigned to an on-premises server or virtual machine when it is activated as a Systems Manager managed instance.
ping status of <system manager>: string
The connection status of the SSM Agent. Should be “Online” for the BigFix Agent installation.
platform name of <system manager>: string
The name of the operating system platform of the instance.
platform type of <system manager>: string
The type of the operating system platform of the instance.
platform version of <system manager>: string
The version of the operating system platform of the instance.
registration date of <system manager>: string
The date the server or VM was registered with AWS as a managed instance.
resource type of <system manager>: string
The resource type, either EC2 or managed instance.
tags: plural tag
The Tag inspectors return the array of tags associated to an instance.
key of <tag>: string
The key of the Tag.
value of <tag>: string
The value of the Tag.
uptime: integer
The hours since the time the instance was launched, if known.
Virtualization Type
virtualization type: string
The type of virtualization used by the instance.
vpc id: string
The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running.