Setting a home page for a group
About this task
A default home page for groups can be set by using custom reports. You can set the default home page for a group in the following ways:
- Edit the access for a saved custom report. Note: Only administrators have authority to edit the access for a custom report.
- When you save a custom report.
To set a default home page for a group, complete the following steps.
- Choose the appropriate method for setting the home page
- Edit the access for a saved custom report.
- Select , or .
- Select the report.
- Select Edit Custom Report & Access. Go to step 2.
- When you save a custom report.
- Generate the custom report. For more information about the various ways that a custom report can be generated, see Create a Custom Report.
- When you generate your report click .
- Edit the access for a saved custom report.
- On the Edit Custom Report and Group Access Rights pane type in a name and menu name for the report.
- Select Make Default Homepage for each group that is to have this new report as their default home page.
- Click Submit.
The default home page is set for the selected groups. Whenever a user who is a member of the selected groups logs on to the BigFix® Remote Control Server, the saved report is displayed as their home page.
However, if the user also has a default home page set, they see their default home page instead.