Migrating to a new certificate
If your existing certificates are due to expire, you can create new certificates. Distribute the new certificates to the relevant endpoints so that they can continue to successfully establish remote control sessions through the broker.
About this task
you are using CA signed certificates, only the root certificate must
be in the server truststore. Root certificates typically have a long
lifespan, with typical current CA certificates not expiring until
after 10 or 20 years at the time of writing. The SSL certificates
signed by the CA usually expire after one year. However, you must
update only the SSL certificate on the broker. There is no need to
update the truststore on all of the endpoints if any of the following
conditions are true.
- The new SSL certificates for the broker are issued by the same CA.
- The root certificate for the CA is already in the truststore on the server and it has been passed to all of your endpoints,
Create your self-signed certificate and distribute it to all the endpoints before you install it on the broker. To migrate to a new certificate, complete the following steps:
- Generate the new certificate before the old certificate
expires. For more information about creating a certificate, see Creating a self signed certificate. When to do this is determined by how long, you think it takes to update the endpoints with the new certificate. Leave the broker running with the old certificate until just before the expiration date.
- Add the new certificate to the truststore on the server.
For more information about adding a certificate, see Adding a certificate to the truststore.
- Targets that call home from inside the intranet automatically receive the new certificate from the server and update their truststore.
- Targets that successfully start a session through a broker also automatically update the truststore. Therefore, the broker must continue running with the old certificate because the target trusts this certificate. The target does not yet trust the new certificate, and therefore would be unable to start a session through the broker.
- Install the new certificate on the broker before the old
certificate expires, For more information about installing a certificate, see Configuring the keystore on the broker.
- Remove the old certificate from the truststore after it expires.