Installing or Upgrading Nudge on the endpoint

Use BigFix console to install or upgrade Nudge.


  1. Login to BigFix console and select BigFix Management from the list of available domains.
  2. Gather latest version of Site Patches for Mac OS X and select Fixlets and Tasks.
  3. From the list of Fixlets, click Fixlet: Nudge x.x.xx.xxxxx Available - Mac OS X.
  4. Click Take Action to install or upgrade Nudge.

    Note: If users want to customise the logo image, they can place that image in the particular location /Library/Application Support/BigFix/BES Agent/__BESData/__Global/__Cache/Utilities/ with the name nudge_bigfix_logo.png.
    Figure 1. BigFix Image Logo

    BigFix image logo