Understand how to run a Fixlet using BigFix console.
Login to BigFix console and select All Content from the list of available domains.
To access the Fixlet, select Sites > Site Patches for Mac OS X > Fixlets and Tasks.
From the list of Fixlets, click Fixlet: UPDATE: Mac OS (Release)
(Version no.) Available via Nudge.
Define the required parameters and click Take
Note: On failure of
Take Action, BigFix will retry
this action a maximum of 999 times.
Customized Parameter
Nudge UI
reflects the parameter values that you have entered in the checkbox.
Number of days gives the information about the
deadline to install the OS updates.
Update URL textbox contains URL which is customizable
by the admin and the default URL takes you to the official page of Apple
release update.
Other parameter values that you enter in their textbox for Main
header, sub header, Main
content header, Main content sub
header, Main content note, and
Main content texts are customizable and available
on Nudge UI.
Note: To create a new paragraph in the
Main content texts field, users need to use
the \n (new line escape sequence) to indicate the
start of a new line after the previous one.
Figure 1. UI parameter details
Update Device using Nudge
When there is a newer OS version available, BigFix administrator must
take an action to trigger Nudge UI on the
endpoint. If the user clicks on the defer-Later option, then
the Nudge UI
is triggered at an interval of 30 minutes. After you choose the Update
Device, users can see the Software Update window and they can
follow the instruction to update Mac OS.
By clicking on Upgrade Now button, endpoints are
updated with latest Mac OS Release.
To install Mac OS update, users can click on More
info, select exact Mac OS update and click
Install Now.
Figure 2. Update Device using Nudge
Defer using Nudge
Custom allows the user to postpone the update to a preferred number of days, but the
date cannot be after the predefined deadline. Also, users will not be able to
perform any operation on their endpoints if the updated dates exceeds the defined
deadline. If you are not clicking on Update Device and
exceeded the defer count set by
then the Nudge UI will restrict the access to any other application on endpoints and
you have to update the device at the end.Figure 3. Defer using Nudge