Obtaining the controller log files
For debug purposes, you can create a log file on the controller system in multiple ways.
About this task
Choose the method for enabling debug.
- Enable debug in the local controller configuration
- Edit the trc.properties file that is in your home directory. The file is in
the following directory.
- Windows systems
USERHOMEDIR\.trc\trc.properties, where USERHOMEDIR is the home directory of the logged on user.
- Linux or macOS systems
USERHOMEDIR/.trc/trc.properties, where USERHOMEDIR is the home directory of the logged on user.
- Set debug.trace=true.
- Save the file and restart the controller.
- Edit the trc.properties file that is in your home directory. The file is in
the following directory.
- Enable debug by creating a system variable
- Create a system variable on the controller system with the name TRC_TRACE and set it to Yes.
To create a log file for debug purposes, complete the following steps:
- Start a session with the required target.
- Complete the steps that produce the problem and end the session.
- On the controller system, go to the home directory to access the trctrace_XXXXX.log file. The file name contains the date and time stamp of when the file was created. For example, trctrace_20170309_124230.log