Scan an archive file

Scan or generate an IRX file for your application, or identify source code files to scan.

  1. Use the Create scan wizard to configure your scan. Select Applications > <Application> > Create scan > SAST Static Analysis: Create scan > Upload an archive to scan.
  2. At the Upload file tab, drag-and-drop the file (.irx, .zip, .war, .jar, or .ear) to scan into the dialog box, or click the box to browse for the file.

    From this panel you also can download AppScan Go!

  3. Indicate additional scan preferences on the Scan options tab:
    • Opt to run your scan as a personal scan whose security issues will not be added to the issues for the application as a whole.
    • You can also select the default option that sends you an email when the scan completes.
    • Allow intervention by our scan enablement team.

  4. At the Summary tab, edit the default name that was given to the scan, if desired, and review scan choices.

  5. Click Scan when ready to scan.