Library details

Click on a library in the Open souce libraries page to view details of that library and take additional action. The detail pane contains useful information about the library, including overall risk of the library to your applications, license details, a list of applications that use the library, and the application owner.

Library and license details

When you click on a library in the Open souce libraries page, ASoC opens the detail pane to the Library and license tab.

The detail pane contains useful information about the library, including overall risk of the library to your applications, license details, a list of applications that use the library, and the application owner.
Table 1.
Item or option Description Values
Last found The date the open source library was last found in associated applications.
License (license name)
  • Copyleft applies on modifications as well as own code that uses the open-source software (FULL).
  • Non-copyleft license (NO).
  • Copyleft applies only to modifications (PARTIAL)
Copyright risk
  • 1: Anyone may use the code without restriction.
  • 2: Anyone who distributes the code must provide certain notices as described in the license. These generally require providing attributions and/or license terms with the software.
  • 3: Anyone who distributes a modification of the code may be required to make the source code for the modification publicly available. Attribution and/or license terms may also be required.
  • 4: Anyone who distributes a modification of the code or a product that is based on or contains part of the code may be required to make publicly available the source code for the product or modification, subject to an exception for software that dynamically links to the original code. These licenses include LGPL and GPL with Class Path Exception, as examples. Attribution and/or license terms may be required.
  • 5: Anyone who distributes a modification of the code or a product that is based on or contains part of the code may be required to make publicly available the source code for the product or modification, regardless of whether the code is dynamically or statically linked. (for example, GPL). Attribution and/or license terms may be required.
  • 6: Anyone who develops a product that is based on or contains part of the code, or who modifies the code, may be required to make publicly available the source code for that product or modification if they (a) distribute the software or (b) enable others to use the software via hosted or web services. Attribution and/or license terms may be required.
  • 7: Anyone who develops a product that is based on or contains part of the code, or who modifies the code, may be required to make publicly available the source code for that product or modification if they (a) distribute the software or (b) enable others to use the software via hosted or web services. Attribution and/or license terms may be required.
  • Linking will infect the code linking code (Viral).
  • Dynamic linking will not infect the linking code (Dynamic)
  • The licensing of the linking code will remain unaffected (Non-viral).
Patent risk
  • Royalty free and no identified patent risks (1).
  • Royalty free unless litigated (2).
  • No patents granted (3).
  • Specific identified patent risks (4).
Risk level The overall risk of the library to the application.
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
Royalty free Royalty status of the library
  • Royalty-free and no identified patent risks (YES).
  • Royalty-free unless litigated (CONDITIONAL).
  • No patents granted (NO).
URL The URL at which to learn more about the specified library.
Note: A library may have more than one license.

Applications details

Click the Applications tab in the detail pane to view information about the applications that use the currently selected open source library.

Table 2.
Item or option Description
Search field Search for a specific application among the list of applications using the library.
Export Export the list of associated applications in CSV or JSON format.
Application name The name of the application using the library. Click the application name to go to the associated Application page.
Asset group The name of the asset group that contains the application. Click on the asset group to go to the associated Asset groups page.
Business owner The name of the user that owns the application containing the specified library. If issues or concerns arise around the use of this library, contacting the application owner about such issues may be a critical part of remediation activities.