Customizing the batch procedure
Customizing the batch procedure is only required if you have specified START=BATCH in the HFM3POPT module or you plan to use the START=BATCH invocation option on the HFM transaction.
The batch procedure, HFM3CICB, is required to run the ZDT/CICS batch job. You will need to customize HFM3CICB before you can use it. You do this as follows:
- Copy the member HFM3CICB from HFM.SHFMSAM1 into your own procedure library.
- Modify HFM3CICB in your library.
- Change #hfmhlq to the high level qualifier for the Z Data Tools target libraries.
- Change #hfihlq to the high level qualifier for the ZCC target libraries. ZCC is required for the operation of ZDT/CICS. Information about installing ZCC is included in the Z Data Tools Program Directory.
- If the name of the TCP/IP address space is not the default value of 'TCPIP', uncomment the SYSTCPD DD statement and change #tcpparms to the data set and member name that contains the appropriate TCPIPJOBNAME parameter.
- If you plan to access WebSphere® MQ queues from ZDT/CICS, uncomment the three MQ target library statements in the STEPLIB concatenation and change #mqhlq to the high level qualifier of your MQ libraries. The required MQ libraries are: SCSQAUTH, SCSQANLE, and SCSQLOAD.
- If you plan to access ZDT/Db2 from ZDT/CICS and use the Db2® DSN
command processor, uncomment the Db2® load library statement in
the STEPLIB concatenation and change #db2hlq to the high level qualifier
of your Db2® load library. The Db2® load library is: SDSNLOAD
If you are using more than one version of Db2®, then specify the load library of the earliest version of Db2® you are using.
- The member name HFM3CICB is used on the *PROCNAME statement in HFM3PRFD, which you customize for the job HFM3INST. If you change the name of the member here, you must also change the name specified on the *PROCNAME statement to match when customizing HFM3INST. See Modifying and submitting HFM3INST and HFM3PRFD for information about HFM3PRFD and HFM3INST.
- For customization you can perform for ZCC, see Customizing the ZCC server.
Profile data sets
HFMPROF (#hfm.profile.dsn) is used to populate the ZDT/CICS logon panel.
The data set specified on the *PROFILE statement in HFM3PRFD and in the ZDT/CICS logon panel is the ZCC profile data set used to store information about the ZDT/CICS session for the user (similar to an ISPF profile data set).