Modifying and submitting HFM3INST and HFM3PRFD
You use the job HFM3INST (and HFM3PRFD) to provide the default job card and other default values that will be used to populate the logon panel the first time the ZDT/CICS transaction is run for any given user. After a user logs on for the first time the information will be saved in the profile data set for subsequent invocations.
HFM3INST will define the required CICS® table entries, define the ZDT/CICS profile data set (a VSAM KSDS), and initialize this profile data set with the logon defaults.
The CICS® resources defined by HFM3INST must be defined and installed locally on each CICS® region where the ZDT/CICS interface will run.
The VSAM data set HFMPROF (#hfm.profile.dsn) that is created and loaded by the last two steps of HFM3INST specifies SHAREOPTIONS(2). However, you can share this HFMPROF data set between multiple CICS® systems if you change this to SHAREOPTIONS(4). In this case, you need only run the delete/define and load of the VSAM data set once. An example of how this might be useful is if you use a common DFHCSD data set across more than one CICS® region.
- Modify HFM3PRFD
- Modify HFM3INST
You modify HFM3PRFD as follows:
- Copy the member HFM3PRFD from HFM.SHFMSAM1 into your own JCL library.
- Change the following values in HFM3PRFD
in your library, to customize the job card and other logon defaults:
- Defines the default job card values.
You can use up to four lines to provide the job card values. There are two variables you can use:
- &TERM is substituted with the 1 - 4 character terminal ID when the job is submitted.
- &USER is substituted with the 1 - 7 character user ID required by ZDT/CICS when the job is submitted.
Note:- You can terminate the variable with a period which will be removed during substitution.
- You can use these variables to ensure the default job card is unique for each user.
- The procedure name is the name of the procedure to be used by the submitted batch job. The HCL-supplied value is HFM3CICB. If you change the name of the procedure then change this statement accordingly. (See Customizing the batch procedure for information about HFM3CICB.)
- *PROFILE=profile_dataset_name applies to both HFM3POPT START=BATCH and START=TASK
- Specifies the default data set name for the user's
Z Common Components profile data set. This value
will be used to populate the profile data set name on the logon panel the
first time a user invokes ZDT/CICS.
The user can overwrite the system default on the logon panel. The submitted
job will allocate the data set if it does not already exist. If it does exist
it must be a partitioned data set with an LRECL of 80. The current user ID
will be substituted for the variable &USER referenced in the name.
- This profile data set is used to store information about the ZDT/CICS session for the user (similar to an ISPF profile data set).
- It is recommended that you define this data set as a PDSE.
- This is not the same data set as HFMPROF.
- ZDT/CICS requires a user ID to be provided when you run the transaction. If you specify *USERID=SIGNON then the user ID will default to the CICS® signed on user ID value when a user ID is not provided on transaction invocation. If you remove this statement and you invoke ZDT/CICS without a user ID then ZDT/CICS will prompt you for a user ID. If you specify *PASSWORD=REMEMBER or *PASSWORD=PASSTICKET you can remove this statement.
- ZDT/CICS initially displays a logon
panel where you provide user ID and password and other logon information.
Specify this statement if you want to bypass the logon panel for subsequent
invocations of ZDT/CICS.
ZDT/CICS will remember your password, and
if you sign on to CICS® with the user ID
and simply enter the transaction HFM,
you will bypass the logon panel as long as the logon information recorded by
ZDT/CICS is still valid. To invoke
ZDT/CICS to get the logon panel enter:
The logon panel will also appear if the ZDT/CICS job does not respond to the CICS® region for any reason.HFMuserid
- Specify this parameter to direct ZDT/CICS to request a
PassTicket for signed-on users. and, if the PassTicket is successful, bypass the logon panel. See
Introduction to CICS security with RACF
in the CICS® documentation for more information on generating and using PassTickets for secure sign-on.
You modify HFM3INST as follows:
- Copy the member HFM3INST from HFM.SHFMSAM1 into your own JCL library.
- Change HFM3INST in your library as follows:
- Change the job card to meet your site's requirements.
- Change CICSHLQ= to the high-level qualifier for your CICS® libraries.
- Change LEHLQ= to the high-level qualifier for your Language Environment® libraries. Remove the reference if Language Environment® is available from LINKLIST.
- Change CSD= to the data set name of the DFHCSD file.
- Change HFMPROF= to the data set name to be used for the VSAM logon profile data set for ZDT/CICS.
- Change
to the high-level qualifier for the Z Data Tools target libraries. - Change
to refer to your customized version of HFM3PRFD. - If you are supplying ZDT/CICS with a list of APPLIDs of the connected CICS® regions where ZDT/CICS is installed, change #hfm.conn.list to the data set name that contains the list. A sample list is provided in HFM.SHFMSAM1(HFM3CONN).
- Change the SHAREOPTIONS value in the second last step, or remove the last two steps completely, if you are sharing the HFMPROF profile data set. See SHAREOPTIONS for more information.
- You can also change the CICS® resource definition names, listed in ZDT/CICS resource definition names, in the DFHCSDUP step in HFM3INST. Note that changing some of these names also requires a change to the ZDT/CICS options in HFM3POPI. See HFM3POPI for information about changing HFM3POPI.
Table 1. ZDT/CICS resource definition names Resource name Description HFM3POPI change required? HFMPROF File - logon profile data set Yes HFMJ Transient Data queue name for job submission. Yes HFMRDR DDNAME for transient data queue HFMJ. No HFMC Transient data queue with a list of APPLIDs of connected CICS® regions. Yes - When you have made all the required changes to HFM3INST, submit the job. It should finish with return code zero.