Verifying the customization of ZDT/CICS
After you have completed the initial installation and customization of ZDT/CICS, you can perform the following steps to verify your customization. You might need to refer to the Z Data Tools User’s Guide and Reference for CICS.
You verify the installation and customization of ZDT/CICS by logging on to a CICS® system where you plan to run ZDT/CICS. Before you can do this, you must have customized ZDT/CICS, your CICS® system, and, if necessary, TCP/IP.
- Log on to the CICS® system where you have implemented ZDT/CICS, and enter the ZDT/CICS transaction, HFM.
- Enter your user ID and press Enter.
- The ZDT/CICS logon panel is displayed:
───────────────────────── Z Data Tools for CICS Logon ───────────────────────── Enter Logon parameters Userid . . . . . . . . USER Password . . . . . . . New Password . . . . . Node . . . . . . . . . NODE (Machine the job is to be run on) Procedure. . . . . . . HFM3CICB (Procedure to run Z Data Tools) Profile data set . . . USER.HFI.HFIPROF Prefix . . . . . . . . USER (Default prefix for data sets) Jobcard //FM&TERM.B JOB (,,,,),&USER, // MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A F1=Help F3=Logoff F4=Reset F5=Wait F6=Default F12=Cancel Enter=Submit
If you specified START=TASK in the parameters in HFM3POPT, or you used (START=TASK) to initiate your ZDT/CICS session, and a valid port number has been provided, then you will see a logon panel similar to this.───────────────────────── Z Data Tools for CICS Logon ───────────────────────── Enter Logon parameters Userid . . . . . . . . USER Password . . . . . . . New Password . . . . . Profile data set . . . USER.HFI.HFIPROF Prefix . . . . . . . . USER (Default prefix for data sets) Port . . . . . . . . . 9999 Host name F1=Help F3=Logoff F4=Reset F6=Default F12=Cancel
- Enter your password and press Enter.
- Unless using the START=TASK option, the batch job to start the ZDT/CICS
session will be submitted, and then the ZDT/CICS Primary Option Menu
should be displayed, as shown in The ZDT/CICS Primary Option Menu.
- If after submitting the ZDT/CICS batch job, message HFMCA016 is displayed (Job jobname not
responding), the ZDT/CICS job may have failed or may be queued. Examine
the job log for further details and possible error messages.
If the job log cannot be found (the ZDT/CICS job was never started) verify that the HFMRDR DD statement has been properly defined in the CICS® startup JCL and that your system has sufficient initiators. See Updating the CICS startup procedures for further information.
Some of the most common reasons the batch job may have failed or been queued are:- Insufficient authority to access one of the libraries in the ZDT/CICS procedure. Check the system log for security messages.
- TCP/IP is not active on the CICS® region. Check for TCP/IP error messages in the job log and verify that TCP/IP is active on the CICS® region.
- The CICS® Sockets interface has not been started
- Duplicate job name. Verify if another user may have specified the same job name in the ZDT/CICS Jobcard input field, or a previous ZDT/CICS job is still active.
- JCL errors. Check the job log for further information.
Figure 1. The ZDT/CICS Primary Option Menu Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ZDT/CICS Primary Option Menu 0 Settings Set processing options User ID . : XYUSER 1 View View data CICS User : XYC5DFLT 2 Edit Edit data CICS Appl : C62D2FM5 3 Utilities Perform utility functions Date. . . : 2022/10/10 4 Templates Template and copybook utilities Time. . . : 11:32 B ZDT HCL Z Data Tools I ZDT/IMS HCL Z Data Tools IMS component D ZDT/Db2 HCL Z Data Tools Db2 component X Exit Terminate ZDT/CICS Processing Options: CICS Resource 1 1. File 2. Temporary Storage 3. Transient Data Command ===> F1=Help F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward F10=Actions F12=Cancel
Note: The options B, I, and D allow the user to invoke Z Data Tools and ZDT/IMS from this primary option menu. These options will not appear if you did not customize Z Data Tools Base function security to allow this access. For more information, see Accessing other Z Data Tools functions from the primary option menu. - If after submitting the ZDT/CICS batch job, message HFMCA016 is displayed (Job jobname not
responding), the ZDT/CICS job may have failed or may be queued. Examine
the job log for further details and possible error messages.
- Enter VER on the command line to display the release level and PTF level of ZDT/CICS and Z Common Components. A panel is
displayed similar to this:
HCL Z Data Tools Version 1 Release 1 CICS Component (not APF authorized) Service Levels of installed components Base IMS Db2 CICS ZCC English -NONE- -NONE- -NONE- -NONE- -NONE-
Notes:- ZDT/CICS is always shown as
not APF authorized
, even if you have made Z Data Tools APF-authorized, as ZDT/CICS cannot run APF-authorized. - When you first install ZDT/CICS,
will be shown under each component that you have installed. Subsequently, when you have applied service to ZDT/CICS, a PTF number will be shown, indicating the PTF level of each component you have installed. If you have not installed a component, that component will not be shown at all.If you have installed the Japanese language components, another line will be displayed indicating the service level of that component.
- ZDT/CICS is always shown as
- Press the Exit key (PF3) to exit from the VER display.
- Enter
on the command line to display the level and version of the running Z Data Tools batch job and ZDT/CICS on all connected CICS® regions. A panel is displayed similar to this:Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ZDT/CICS Primary Option Menu CICS Levels HCL Z Data Tools Version 1 Release 1 CICS Component Current PTF: -NONE- Level: 1 Connected ZDT/CICS Levels Sysid Applid Version PTF Level C62D2FM5 V1R1 -NONE- 1 Command ===> Scroll PAGE F1=Help F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward F10=Actions F12=Cancel
Notes:- The version, PTF level, and buffer layout level for the running Z Data Tools batch job, and ZDT/CICS on all interconnected CICS® regions (if the HFM3LVL program is available on those regions), is displayed.
- The level of the Z Data Tools CICS® component and all ZDT/CICS programs should be the same, otherwise some functions will fail.
- If more than one interconnected CICS® region is displayed, each region should be at the same level as the running ZDT/CICS batch job. If the level or version is different, these values will be highlighted in red, indicating a possible error.
- A difference in version or level is likely to be due to maintenance not being applied to all instances of ZDT/CICS, or the ZDT/CICS programs not being refreshed in the CICS® region after maintenance was applied.
- If HFM3LVL is not available on a connected system, the text
condition will be displayed. Ensure that HFM3LVL can be loaded on the connected CICS® region and retry the VERCICS command. - If an entry for an interconnected CICS® region where ZDT/CICS has been installed is not displayed in the list, this indicates
one of the following:
- An active connection to the region was not acquired when the VERCICS command was issued.
- The ZDT/CICS program HFM3CICS could not be linked to and loaded on the connected CICS® region.
- A TD queue has been specified for the CONN option in HFM3POPT and the APPLID of the connected CICS® region has not been added to this queue.
Verify that an active connection to the remote region has been acquired and HFM3CICS is available, then retry the VERCICS command.
- Press the Exit key (PF3) to exit from the VERCICS display.
- Press the Exit key (PF3) twice more to exit from ZDT/CICS.
You can now complete the installation of ZDT/CICS by performing the ACCEPT processing. The steps involved are described in the Z Data Tools Program Directory.