About this document
These topics provide information needed to plan for, customize, maintain, and diagnose problems with HCL Z Data Tools.
- Z Data Tools Base function
- HCL Z Data Tools Db2® component (ZDT/Db2)
- HCL Z Data Tools IMS™ component (ZDT/IMS)
- HCL Z Data Tools CICS® component (ZDT/CICS)
To install and use ZDT/Db2, ZDT/IMS, or ZDT/CICS, you must first install the same version of Z Data Tools Base function. You cannot use ZDT/Db2, ZDT/IMS, or ZDT/CICS with any other version of Z Data Tools. You can install any of ZDT/Db2, ZDT/IMS, and ZDT/CICS in any order, at any time after you have installed Z Data Tools Base function.
This book is divided into five sections:
- Customizing Z Data Tools, which provides information about the Z Data Tools Base function.
- Customizing Z Data Tools Db2 Component.
- Customizing Z Data Tools IMS Component.
- Customizing Z Data Tools CICS Component.
- The appendixes provide information about the Z Data Tools options, the library management system exit, and how to maintain Z Data Tools.
You will need to read Part 1. Read Parts 2 to 4 if you intend to install that component.
If you intend to use ZDT/CICS with the ZCC server, you will need to read Customizing the ZCC server.
Parts 1 to 4 are further divided into chapters describing the preparation for customizing Z Data Tools and its components, and for customizing Z Data Tools, its components and the operating environment. The last chapter in each section describes how to verify your installation and customization.
This book also provides information needed to customize the Japanese language versions of Z Data Tools and the ZDT/Db2, ZDT/IMS, and ZDT/CICS components.
Before you read this book, read the Z Data Tools Program Directory.