Customizing the ZCC server
These topics describe how to customize the ZCC server.
Do this after you have installed Z Data Tools if you plan to use ZDT/CICS.
This server runs a z/OS® UNIX™ process that will listen for a connection request on a specific port. The server can be started manually or during IPL by execution of a customized procedure.
When a user runs the HFM transaction using the ZDT/CICS interface, a connection request will be received by the server from the client. The server will then verify the credentials of the client (user ID and password, or passphrase) and if valid, create a new HFM process for that user. The user ID of the newly created process will be changed to that of the client and all further communication will occur between the client and the newly created HFM process using TCP/IP. The server will then wait for another connection request from a new client.