To print from the Version Tree Browser
- In
the Version Tree Browser window, display the version tree for an element.
- Click . The Print Setup window opens.
- Choose the printer, paper size, and page orientation.
(Version trees can span multiple pages if necessary.)
- Click OK to apply any changes.
- Click . The Page Setup window opens.
- Do one of the following.
- Click Print Whole Version Tree to print the entire
version tree.
- Click Print Screen Displayed Area to print only
as much as can fit on a single page (that is, only the portion of the tree
that is shown in the screen display).
- In the Scale area, use
the slider bar to set the scale for the printed version tree.
- Select Print page map to
include a layout sheet that helps you assemble multiple printed pages into
the whole version tree.
- (Optional) In the Title field,
enter a description of or purpose for the printed version tree.
- Click Help for more details.
Click OK to apply any changes.
Page Setup window closes.
- Click to print the version tree to the specifications set in the
preceding steps.
The Print window opens.
- Click OK.
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