Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Coremetrics

The properties in this category specify integration settings for Digital Analytics and Campaign for the selected partition.

If your Campaign installation has multiple partitions, set these properties for each partition that you want to affect. For these properties to take effect, UC_CM_integration must be set to Yes for the partition (under partitions | partition[n] | server | internal).



The ServiceURL specifies the location of the Digital Analytics integration service that provides the integration point between Digital Analytics and Campaign. Note that the default port for https is 443.

Default value

Valid values

The only supported value for this release is the default value shown above.



Campaign uses the CoreMetricsKey to map IDs exported from Digital Analytics to the corresponding Audience ID in Campaign. The value defined for this property must exactly match the value used in the translation table.

Default value


Valid values

The only supported value for this release is registrationid.



Set this value to the unique Digital Analytics Client ID assigned to your company.

Default value

No default value defined.



Specify the name of the translation table being used to translate Digital Analytics keys to Campaign Audience IDs. For example, Cam_CM_Trans_Table. If you do not specify a table name, an error will occur if users run a flowchart that uses Digital Analytics segments as input, because without the table name, Campaign does not know how to map IDs from one product to the other.

Note: When you map or re-map a translation table, the HCL® Table Name assigned in the Table Definition dialog must exactly match (including case) the TranslationTableName defined here.
Default value

No default value defined.



The ASMUserForCredentials property specifies which IBM EMM account is allowed to access the Digital Analytics integration service. See below for additional information.

If no value is specified, Campaign checks the currently logged-in user's account to see if the ASMDatasourceForCredentials value is specified as a data source. If it is, then access is allowed. If not, access is denied.

Default value




The ASMDataSourceForCredentials property identifies the data source assigned to the Marketing Platform account specified in the ASMUserForCredentials setting. The default is UC_CM_ACCESS. This "data source for credentials" is the mechanism that Marketing Platform uses to store the credentials that provide access to the integration service.

Although a default value of UC_CM_ACCESS is supplied, a data source of that name is not provided, nor do you have to use that name.

Important: You must choose Settings > Users, select the user specified in ASMUserForCredentials, click the Edit Data Sources link, and add a new data source whose name exactly matches the value defined here (for example,UC_CM_ACCESS). For Data Source Login and Data Source Password, use the credentials associated with your Digital Analytics Client ID. For information about data sources, user accounts, and security, see the HCL Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide
Default value