Message log

When problems occur, check the message log file for error messages first.

Messages generated by the SafeLinx Server are stored in the message log file. The log file contains plain ASCII text.

You can control the level of detail that is logged by specifying the types of messages by using SafeLinx Administrator:

Data used for problem analysis
Messages about unexpected events on which you need to act
General information messages
Dump of status information, such as packet rates, byte rates, and system load
Secondary authentication
Messages related to the secondary authentication steps for Mobile Access and HTTP Access Clients.
Messages about data by using the TCP-Lite transport
Hexadecimal memory dump of only IP-related data packets
Hexadecimal memory dump of data packets
Messages about events on which you might or might not need to act

To specify message types for logging:

  1. Under the Resources view, right-click the SafeLinx Server for which you want to specify logging of messages and click Properties.
  2. Click the Logging tab to view the current settings for messages.
  3. Use the check boxes or the All or None buttons to change the message types that are logged.
  4. Click OK.
    Note: Use only ALL logging under the direction of HCL Support, as this will cause a significant negative performance impact on a running SafeLinx Server. It is best to have the default levels of logging (ERROR & WARNING) unless otherwise directed by HCL Support or documented troubleshooting steps.

You can set the maximum size of the message log file. Click the Logging tab on a SafeLinx Server, then enter the maximum size of the message log file in MB. When the maximum file size is reached, the file is renamed in the form wg.log.bak.

You can specify the allowable number of backup files that are saved. Also on the Logging tab, enter the number of backup files allowed, up to a maximum of 10 files. If you specify zero (0), no files are backed up. When the maximum file size is reached, the file is truncated to 0 bytes, then logging continues at the beginning of the message log file.

To troubleshoot a problem with a specific account, restrict message logging to display only an individual user ID or device: Also on the Logging tab, click Restrict what is logged and choose between Log only one user or Log only one device, then specify the user or device.