Configure trace properties

Configure the trace properties to record diagnostic information. After the initial SafeLinx Client installation, by default trace is turned on only during the connection attempt. To turn on tracing, select a trace level other than Off by using the trace configuration utility started by clicking Tools > Configure Trace.


The trace configuration tools utility also includes the following settings:
Trace levels
The controls on the Level page are:
No tracing is begun. This setting is the default state for the SafeLinx Client.
This level is used to trace the performance of the SafeLinx Client as it is operating.
This level traces IP data received from and sent to the IP stack.
This level helps with debugging, with minimal impact to performance.
This level is used when Low does not provide enough information. There is an impact on performance.
The controls on the File page are:
Buffering the trace data in memory before writing it to the trace file reduces the impact of tracing on performance. Turn on buffering for all problems except program exceptions. Turn buffering off only when debugging exceptions in the SafeLinx Client where the SafeLinx Client does not close normally.
Flush push
When buffering is on, click Flush to write data from memory to the trace file.
Maximum file size
Use the Maximum File Size field to set the maximum size of your trace file.
Trace messages are stored in a file named ARTTRACE.TXT. When the file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed to ARTTRACE2.TXT and a new ARTTRACE.TXT file is created for active trace data. Only two trace files are kept, the active trace file and the most recent previous file.
  • Default: 1400 KB on Windows 2000.
  • Rance of Values: 64 KB to 99,999 KB.