Configuring clients with a configuration file
The artour.ini file contains configuration information about your client and each connection you define. This file is modified when you create connections or modify their properties. It controls which fields and buttons are presented on the Connect window for each connection.
Methods of configuration
One way to propagate a common client configuration for many users is to create an artour.ini file that contains the wanted configuration. Then distribute the file to your users. Each user has the same global settings and connections defined.
The artour.ini file is a readable text file, that contains many fields and their values. The file is divided into sections. Each section is preceded by a section heading enclosed in brackets. The first section, which is preceded by the heading [SAFELINX], contains global information about the configuration of this SafeLinx Client. Subsequent sections contain information about connections and their interfaces, and are preceded by headers that contain the name of the connection or interface.
Some entries can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used.
- Table 1 for global parameters that affect all connections
- Table 2 for each connection
- Table 3 for all types of interfaces
- Table 4 for interfaces that use Mobitex modems
- Table 5 for interfaces that use GSM, PSTN, or AMPS modems
- Table 6 for interfaces that use Dataradio modems
- Table 7 for interfaces that use DataTAC modems
- Table 8 for interfaces on Private IP connections
Parameter name | Description |
ArtcfgPositionSize | This parameter stores the display parameters for the Mobility
Connections window on the Windows desktop. It stores the position, size, and
View menu selection for the window in 5 comma-separated values:
The values for X position and Y position specify the beginning horizontal and vertical coordinates from which the window object is drawn on the screen. The value of X size sets the width of the window, and value of Y size sets its height. The value for View specifies which View menu selection to use: 1 for Tiles, 2 for Icons, or 3 for List. |
AutoStartToolbar | 1= the toolbar is automatically started when the SafeLinx Client is started. |
BatteryDialogPos | Screen X, Y coordinates for Battery dialog box. |
BlackHoleDecrement | The value used to decrement the padded configure requests when running black hold detection. The default value is 100 bytes. |
Confirmations | 1= request confirmation on user actions |
ConnectionTimeout | An unsuccessful SafeLinx Client login attempt will timeout after the number of seconds set in this parameter. This timeout occurs only if the SafeLinx Client is configured to use Graphical Identification and Authentication (GINA) and connect at Windows startup. The default is 60 seconds. |
CurrentConnection | Identifies the name of the active or most recently used connection. |
DetectBlackHoles | 1= an advertised speed of network connection is 10 Mbps or greater, client pads configuration requests sent to the gateway to the maximum network MTU size. This process is done in an effort to detect black holes. If the configuration request times out, then the second attempt is decremented by using BlackHoleDecrement before being retransmitted. This parameter is set to 0. The process occurs when the client is using a high speed adapter but there is a slow or intermediate link between the client and the gateway. The default value is 1. |
DisableRoaming | 1= prevents the automatic cross-network roaming from occurring for use of custom applications that are using the SafeLinx Client Toolkit. The default value is 0. |
DisableTrayIcon | Prevents the tray icon from being create. The default value is 0 (the icon is created). |
EchoTimeoutThreshold | Specifies the number of consecutive echo timeouts processed before the SafeLinx Client displays an error to indicate that the SafeLinx Server is not responding. The default value is 3. |
EnableAccountID | 1= show the User ID input field on Connect panel. |
EnableChangePassword | 1= show the Change password entry in the SafeLinx Client context menu in the tray area of your desktop. |
EnableChangeSettings | 1= show the Change button on Connect screen to change connection dial settings. |
EnableDomain | 1= show the Organizational unit input field on Connect panel. |
EnablePassword | 1= show the Password input field on Connect panel |
EnableSavePassword | 1= show the Save password check box on Connect panel. |
EncryptionType |
HandleAuthenticationEvents | This parameter controls how the SafeLinx Client core handles secondary
authentication events:
GinaMessageTimeout | This parameter specifies the number of seconds to display the message that indicates that the SafeLinx Client connection attempt timed out, before Windows logon continues. The default is 15 seconds. |
GinaSingleConnectAttempt | This parameter controls whether the SafeLinx Client waits for the client login
second try attempts or continues with the Windows login. Applies only if the SafeLinx Client is
configured to use Graphical Identification and Authentication (GINA) and connect at Windows startup.
IPUpTimeout | This parameter is the number of seconds a timer waits for the IP interface to initialize. After successfully logging in, if this timer expires while waiting on the IP interface to come up, a pop-up message will display. This message informs the user that the interface is loading and how to close the client. The default value is 45 seconds. |
RequestTransportProfile | 1= The SafeLinx Client sends the name and the speed of the adapter when it
logs in and roams from one network to another. 0= The transport profile is not requested. The
SafeLinx Client uses the properties set on the Link Control Protocol and Optimization tabs. The
default value is 1. Note:
SaveAccountID | 1= save the value entered for User ID in the connection section of the artour.ini file |
SaveDomain | 1= save the value entered for Organizational unit in the connection portion of artour.ini file |
ServiceAllowChangePasswordDefault | This parameter applies only to connections that are configured to start when Windows starts. 1= enables users to change their passwords from the SafeLinx Client taskbar icon, 0 = disables the capability to change a user's password for the connection from taskbar. The default is 1. |
ServiceAllowNonAdminExit | This parameter applies only to connections that are configured to start when Windows starts. 1= users can end their connection by clicking Exit from the taskbar icon, 0= the Exit option is disabled. The default is 1. |
ServiceConnection | Identifies the connection that is started when Windows™ starts. |
ServiceInitialConnectDelay | A delay between the time the LMC service (which drives Start When Windows Starts option) starts and the time it initiates the initial connect attempt to the SafeLinx Server. The time is measured in seconds. This value can be set to allow for other services (for example: wireless connection) to finish initializing before SafeLinx begins its connect processing. The default value is 0, which indicates no delay. |
ServicePrereqTimeout | This parameter applies only to connections configured to start when Windows
starts (ServiceConnection). These connections also have prerequisite applications that are
configured to start before allowing the connection to start. It specifies the number of seconds the
SafeLinx Client waits for prerequisite applications to start before displaying an error message and
exiting. The default is 20 seconds. Prerequisite applications are configured in the Connection section of the artour.ini file. |
ServiceReconnectDelay | The number of seconds the SafeLinx Client waits after an unsuccessful connection attempt before trying the connection again. This parameter applies only to a connection that is configured to start when Windows starts. The default is 10 seconds. If this value is set to 0, the SafeLinx Client will not continue to reconnect the connection after the first attempt. |
ServiceResonnectRetries | The number of times the service (Start When Windows Starts) tries connecting after first failure. The default is 0 which indicates unlimited connection attempts. To stop any connection attempts from happening, set ServiceReconnectDelay to 0. |
ShowFlyoverBytes | 1= show number of bytes sent and received in flyover text of SafeLinx Client icon in the tray |
ShowFlyoverPackets | 1= show number of packets sent and received in flyover text of SafeLinx Client icon in the tray. |
SignalDialogPos | Screen X, Y coordinates for Signal dialog box. |
TraceFolder | This parameter allows a customized path for the SafeLinx Client trace files to be set. This parameter is not present in the configuration file by default. It must be added to the [SAFELINX] section of the file and be set equal to a valid path on the device. |
TrayUpdateInterval | Minimum duration, in milliseconds, between flashes of the SafeLinx Client icon in the tray. The flash indicates network activity. The greater the value, the less often it flashes. A greater value can improve performance on high-bandwidth networks. Default is 500 milliseconds. (0= do not flash). |
UserAuthorityLevel | 1= user can modify the connection configuration |
UseDefaultAPIBehavior | 1= the SafeLinx Client toolbar uses default rules to control the API. The toolbar issues a shutdown to the SafeLinx Client after the last active interface closes and after an eMsg_Logoff event is received from a network driver. 0= the SafeLinx Client core continues to run after the last active interface closes. This setting might be useful if you are developing your own API program and want the SafeLinx Client to continue running. |
Version | Version of the artour.ini file. For example, 11=V1R1 |
Parameter name | Description |
AccountID | Value entered in User ID field of Connect window |
AccountIDRequired | 1= a user ID must be entered on the Connect panel if one is not already stored. If not entered, you cannot start a connection to the mobile access services. 0= a user ID is not required for this connection and is not used. |
Authentication | 1= authentication is enabled. This setting specifies that a password is required for a connection. 0= authentication is disabled. |
AutostartDisabled | If AutostartDisabled is set to 1, then the applications are ignored and no checking is done. |
Autostart1...AutostartN | One Autostart for each application to be automatically started after a successful logon to the SafeLinx Server. The application name includes the complete path, without parameters. The order of which application is started first is determined by the numerical order in the configuration file. |
AutostartOutsideCore | By default, the core autostarts the applications and the dialer will not. If you want the dialer (or another third-party application) to autostart the applications, set this value to 1. |
AutostartParams1...AutostartParamsN | One AutostartParams for each parameter required for the corresponding AutostartN application. Must be present, but blank, if no parameters are required for a certain application. The order of which parameters are checked first is determined by the numbered order in the configuration file. |
Backup | Name of backup connection. |
BalanceFragments | Specifies whether protocol data unit (PDU) fragments are evenly sized before they are sent over the network from the SafeLinx Client to the SafeLinx Server. |
BroadcastPgmName | Name of the broadcast program to start at completion of logon. This program receives broadcast messages from the mobile access services. The default value is artbcast.exe. |
BroadcastPort | The UDP port number on which the SafeLinx Client broadcast program listens for broadcast messages from the mobile access services. The default port is 9999. |
CertificateName | Specifies the name of the certificate or the name of the PKCS12 file that contains the certificate. This entry is not present in the configuration file until certificate authentication is used at least one time. |
CertificateIssuer | Specifies the name of the issuing authority for this certificate, for example US, International Business Machines Corporation, IBM® certificate authority. This entry is not present in the configuration file until certificate authentication is used at least one time. |
CertificateStorename | Specifies a string value of either pkcs12_file or Microsoft_Cert_Store used to indicate whether the certificate is stored in a PKCS12 file or in the Microsoft™ certificate store. This entry is not present in the configuration file until certificate authentication is used at least one time. |
ClearDNSServersForAdapters | List of network adapter names, separated by commas, which have their DNS registry entries temporarily removed for the duration of the SafeLinx Client connection. This setting applies only to the Windows FileNet Content Engine operating system. |
Compression | 1= data compression is enabled, 0= data compression is disabled. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
ConnectionTimeout | Specifies the amount of time in seconds from when the SafeLinx Client starts attempting to connect to the SafeLinx Server. The timer stops when a message displays indicating that the connection is still being attempted. The default value is 120. Setting this value to zero (0) disables the timer. |
CreateDefaultRoute | 1= create a default route for this network when connecting to the mobile access services |
DefineRoutes | The set of routes to be configured which were sent to the SafeLinx Client from the SafeLinx Server the last time a connection was established. |
DNSCacheSize | Specifies the maximum number of domains that can be cached. The default is 100. To disable DNS caching, set EnableDNSCache to 0. |
DNSCacheUpdateInterval | The interval, in seconds, at which the DNS cache is updated. The default is 1. |
DNSDomainName | Local DNS domain name. |
DomainRequired | 1= an organizational unit must be entered if not already stored |
EnableDNSCache | 1= enable DNS caching on the SafeLinx Client. This setting is disabled by default on Windows 2000 operating systems. |
EnablePacketJoining | 1= enabled. This setting joins several small packets to be sent in 1 transmission. Packets are then separated again at the mobile access services. 0= disabled. Small packets are sent individually. Enabling this function can increase performance. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
EncryptedPassword | Value entered in Password field, encrypted. |
Encryption | 1= data encryption is enabled, 0= data encryption is disabled. |
FilterOtherSourceAddresses | Outbound packets whose source address does not match the address of the SafeLinx Client as assigned by the SafeLinx Server are discarded. This process occurs if parameter is set to 1. Default value is 0. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored |
GatewaySuppliesDNS | 1= use MNI-configured DNS and WINS servers, if available |
GWAddress | TCP/IP address of the mobile access services set by SAFELINX link protocol (ALP) |
HasShortCut | 1= a shortcut created for this connection. |
HeaderReduction | Specifies whether the SafeLinx Client attempts to negotiate IP header reduction with the SafeLinx Server. The SafeLinx Server analyzes IP, UDP, and the TCP, or one of the preceding headers of a data packet. Then the SafeLinx Client strips and caches static fields in the header to reduce the packet size sent to the SafeLinx Client. When the value=1, header reduction is enabled and when the value =0, header reduction is disabled. The default value is 1 for all networks except IP connections. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
LogOffWithExit | 1= logoff packet is sent to the SafeLinx Server when the SafeLinx Client disconnects. The SafeLinx Client must be connected and in range for the logoff packet to be sent. If the SafeLinx Client is in short-hold mode, then it is not considered connected and no logoff packet is sent. |
MaxFragmentAge | Maximum time, in seconds, to keep an unassembled packet fragment before it is discarded |
MobileAddress | TCP/IP address of the SafeLinx Client set by wireless link protocol (WLP) |
MonitorInterval | The interval, in seconds, when the SafeLinx Client checks to see whether a TCP-Lite session needs to be terminated. Default value is 15. |
NetworkDLL | Name of the dynamic linked library to load for this network |
NTServicePort | Port used to communicate with the NT artdhcp service. Default is 9898. |
OneButtonConnect | 1= dialer bypasses the Connect panel and instead displays the connection progress indicator only if accountID (user ID), Domain (Organizational unit), and Password were previously saved in the artour.ini file |
OrgUnit | Value entered in Organizational unit field of Connect window. |
PasswordPort | TCP/IP port number on which the mobile access services listens for password changes. If this port number changes on the mobile access services, it must be changed to match on the SafeLinx Client. The default port is 8888. |
PDU2Bcast | If PDU2Bcast is set to 1, then the SafeLinx Client forwards inbound packets for which the protocol is unrecognized to the UDP broadcast port. |
PrereqAppName1 ... PrereqApplicationName16 | One PrereqAppName for each application to be automatically checked before a successful logon to the SafeLinx Server. The application name includes the complete path. The order of which application is checked first is determined by the numerical order in the configuration file. |
PrereqAppProcess1 ... PrereqAppProcess16 | One PrereqAppProcess for the process name of each application to check before logging on. When a process is running, these values are found in . The order of which process is checked first is determined by the numerical order in the configuration file. |
PrerequisiteDisabled | If PrerequisiteDisabled is set to 1, then the applications are ignored and no checking is done. |
PrimaryDNS | Primary DNS server address. This value is set by the MNI on the mobile access services. |
PrimaryWINS | Primary WINS server address. This value is set by the MNI on the mobile access services. |
PromptCertSelection | Specifies whether the SafeLinx Client prompts the user to select a certificate during the login procedure. When =1, the user is prompted and when =0, the SafeLinx Client checks for the stored certificate name in the certificate store. The default value is 1. |
RadiusRetryAttempts | This parameter indicates how many times the client will reconnect RADIUS authentication attempts after timeout failures. Default value is set to 2. |
RadiusTimeout | This parameter indicates the time in seconds that the client waits for a response from a radius authentication request. Default value is set to 15. |
ReceivedBytes | Number of bytes received during this session |
ReceivedPackets | Number of packets received during this session |
SavePassword | 1= save the password defined for the connection. When saved, users do not need to type a password to connect to the mobile access services. |
SecondaryDNS | Secondary DNS server address. This value is set by the MNI on the mobile access services. |
SecondaryWINS | Secondary WINS server address. This value is set by the MNI on the mobile access services. |
SectionType | For connections, this parameter must have a value of CONNECTION. |
SentBytes | Number of bytes sent during this session |
SentPackets | Number of packets sent during this session |
ShowBatteryDialog | 1= If your modem supports it, show the battery strength indicator for this connection in the tray area of your desktop. |
ShowSignalDialog | 1= If your modem supports it, show the signal strength indicator for this connection in the tray area of your desktop. |
SubnetMask | Subnet mask to use for SafeLinx Client IP interface. This value is set by the mobile access services every time the connection is established. |
TCP-Lite | 1= the SafeLinx Client allows the SafeLinx Server to configure TCP-Lite services. |
WatcherDelay | Number of seconds to delay the start of automatic roaming after a login completes. Default value is set to 10. |
Following each connection section are sections that describe the interfaces for that connection. Each interface section is preceded by a heading with the connection name, such as [ConnInt0]. Some interface parameters apply to all interfaces; some network types have additional parameters specific to them.
Parameter name | Description |
ALPKeepAliveInterval | This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface
section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used.
Specifies an interval, in seconds, at which an LCP Echo packet is sent to the SafeLinx Server. It is useful when connected through an ISP that incorporates network address translation (NAT). For IP networks, the default is 10. For all other networks, the default is 0. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
ALPMaximumRTT | This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface
section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used. The maximum amount of time that the SafeLinx Client waits for a wireless link protocol request to be sent and an acknowledgment to be received. This request and acknowledgment must occur before reconnecting is allowed. Measured in seconds. This parameter is used for TCP optimization. On unreliable networks where packets are frequently dropped, you might want to reduce this number to ensure that the requests are received. For all networks except non-PPP (point-to-point protocol) IP connections, the default value is 15 seconds. For non-PPP (point-to-point protocol) IP connections, the value is 1 second. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
ALPRetries | This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface
section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used. Number of times to attempt sending a wireless link protocol request. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
ALPTimeout | This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface
section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used. The amount of time, in seconds, that the SafeLinx Client waits for a response to wireless link protocol (WLP) requests before timing out. The WLP is used to start and maintain SafeLinx Client connections. For new connections created with SafeLinx Client version 5, the default value for this setting is 30 for all networks except IP, which is 15. When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored. |
ConnectionType | Specifies the interface type. The value for this parameter can be:
EncryptedProxyPassword | When a connection is established by using a proxy server the SafeLinx Client must supply credentials for the proxy server to authenticate. This field is the password. |
ExcludeAdapters | Enables the SafeLinx Client to be configured to exclude specific adapters. For
example, a connection that is defined to use the Default Local IP Interface can be configured to
ignore specific WiFi adapters. To enable this function, set ExcludeAdapters =
to a list of comma-separated adapter names. These values can be either the full adapter names or the
first few characters of each adapter name. Spaces are not allowed after the comma (,) separator.
For example, to exclude two adapters, one named Intel™
PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection and one named Sprint PCS Vision - Novatel Wireless,
this exclusion might also be configured as: Which would exclude any adapters that start the characters Intel or Sprint. |
Handshake | This setting indicates the type of modem flow control that needs to be used. 1= XON/XOFF, 0= hardware flow control. |
HiSpeedWLPRetryCount | SafeLinx Client reconnect value for connections 10 Mbps or faster. The default value is 5. |
HiSpeedWLPTimeout | SafeLinx Client timeout value used for connections 10 Mbps or faster. The default value is 4. |
HttpProxyAddr | Specifies either the IP address or the host name of the proxy server. This parameter is used only if you enabled proxy authentication on the SafeLinx Server. |
HttpProxyPort | Specifies the port number used to communicate with the proxy server. This parameter is used only if you enabled proxy authentication on the SafeLinx Server. |
HttpSendPort | Specifies the port number used to send data to the SafeLinx Server for an HTTP connection. The default value is 80. |
InterfaceDescription | Specifies the interface name or, for IP connections, the adapter name, or dial-up networking interface name. |
InterfaceList | Lists the set of interfaces to be opened by the SafeLinx Client for a certain connection. The parameter also shows the priority of the interfaces when the connection is enabled to roam. The order of priority is from high to low. |
LowSpeedWLPRetryCount | SafeLinx Client reconnect value used for connections 57600 bps or slower. The default value is 3. |
LowSpeedWLPTimeout | SafeLinx Client timeout value used for connection 57600 bps or slower. The default value is 15. |
MaxPDUAge | Age at which packets queued in the network driver (for example, Mobitex) are discarded |
MedSpeedWLPRetryCount | SafeLinx Client reconnect value used for connections greater than 57600 and slower than 10Mbps. The default value is 4. |
MedSpeedWLPTimeout | SafeLinx Client timeout value used for connections greater than 57600 bps and slower than 10 Mbps. The default value is 7. |
ModemCapabilities | Value used to determine capabilities of modems, such as battery or signal strength capabilities. |
PowerSaverMode | 1= It instructs modem to use power saver mode (if supported by the modem). 0= instructs modem to use normal mode |
ProxyUsername | When a connection is established by using a proxy server the SafeLinx Client must supply credentials for the proxy server to authenticate. This field is the user name. |
RoamFromThreshold | Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client connection to a
network was in Active status. This parameter acts as a threshold value for
determining which Wait interval to use when roaming from this connection to a lesser-priority
network. This aspect is only applicable if the status changes to Out of range
or Unavailable. This setting helps determine whether you are moving into or out of the coverage area of a network. If you are moving into coverage area, you might want to delay roaming from the network quickly. There might be a time when the status flips back and forth between active and inactive. This delay gives the network a chance to stabilize and establish the actual status. However, if you are moving out of a coverage area, you might want to roam from that network more quickly. Moving out of a coverage area is indicated by an inactive network status. The default value is 0. |
RoamFromWaitOverThreshold | Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client waits before roaming
from this connection to another Available network of a lesser priority. When the network status was
Active for less than the amount of time specified in the
RoamFromThreshold setting, then the connection might be in the periphery of a
network coverage area. The connection might need additional time to establish its actual status.
This setting determines the number of seconds the SafeLinx Client waits until it will roam from this
network to another of lesser priority. The value of this setting needs to be more than the value of the RoamFromWaitUnderThreshold setting. The default value is 0. |
RoamSuspendInactive | When an interface supports suspend/resume (short-hold mode), this value determines whether to suspend the connection when it is not the active interface. A value of 0= do not suspend, and a value of 1= suspend. The default value is 1. |
RoamToWait | Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client waits after the network is available before the SafeLinx Client roams to it and makes it the Active connection. This setting allows a time for the SafeLinx Client to make sure that the connection status does not go Out of Range or Unavailable before it attempts to roam. This parameter is only applicable when the connection is being established on the periphery of a network coverage area. The default value is 0. |
SaveProxyPassword | When a connection is established by using a proxy server the SafeLinx Client must supply credentials for the proxy server to authenticate. When this boolean option is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client stores the password. |
SectionType | For interfaces, this parameter must have a value of INTERFACE. |
SerialPort | The Windows TAPI device name for this modem |
SocketConnectionTimeout | Specifies the timeout used when establishing a UDP, HTTP, or HTTPS connection with the SafeLinx Server. This value is the number of seconds to wait before the SafeLinx Client attempts to connect with another protocol. |
StopTimeout | Number of milliseconds the SafeLinx Client waits for a normal shutdown response from a network driver before terminating the driver abnormally. |
SupportedProtocols | Specifies the protocols that can be supported on the SafeLinx Client. The
value for this parameter can be one or more of the following, in a comma-separated list:
TCPIP_Ports2Filter | This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface
section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used. List of TCP ports, separated by spaces, from which to filter packets. |
UDPIP_Ports2Filter | This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface
section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used. List of UDP ports, separated by spaces, from which to filter packets. |
UseHttpProxy | Used to enable or disable the use of a proxy for the SafeLinx Client to connect to the SafeLinx Server for connection-oriented (HTTP or HTTPS) connections. The default value of 0 disables proxy authentication. If you enter 1 to enable proxy authentication, you must also provide the proxy server address and port number. Use the HttpProxyAddr parameter to specify the address and HttpProxyPort for the port number, as provided by the system administrator. |
UseUDPEcho | This boolean parameter determines whether the UDP echo function for the
SafeLinx Client and SafeLinx Server is used during the logon sequence when connecting over UDP.
If UseUDPEcho=1, the UDP echo function uses a test packet to check whether the
SafeLinx Client can reach the gateway. The test packet also determines what the maximum transmission
unit (MTU) needs to be. If UseUDPEcho=0, then the UDP echo function is not
used. This parameter is updated after each logon, based on whether the SafeLinx Server to which
the SafeLinx Client is connected supports the function. For migrated connections, the default value is 0. For new connections, the default value is 0 if only the UDP protocol is enabled. The value is 1 if HTTP, HTTPS, or both are selected in addition to the UDP protocol. |
Parameter name | Description |
GWMAN | The Mobitex access number of the SafeLinx Server. |
MascVersion | 1= masc1, 2= masc2 |
MpakNetworkAckTimeout | The number of seconds the client waits for the Mobitex modem to return a network acknowledgment that an MPAK was delivered to the Mobitex network. If the parameter is not present, the default value is 15. The range of values for the parameter can be 15 through 300. |
MpakQueueSize | Governs how many outstanding packets can be sent to the modem without acknowledgment. If the parameter is not present, the default value is 5. The range of values for the parameter can be 1 through 10. |
ProtocolNumber | 147 for all current modems |
Parameter name | Description |
addrinf_ack_interval | The number of seconds between attempts of the request/acknowledgment exchange. If the SafeLinx Client does not receive the acknowledgment of the mobile access services within the specified time period, the client attempts up to 2 times. The default value is 5 seconds. |
afterCarrierDelay | The amount of time, in seconds, that the SafeLinx Client waits after the carrier is gained (a connection established) before it sends data. The default value is 0. |
auto-reconnect | 1= SafeLinx Client attempts to reconnect to the mobile access services on connection failure, even though the SafeLinx Client has no data to send. This parameter is useful if you want to maintain a continuous connection. 0= enter short-hold mode on connection failure. |
BaudRate | Baud rate in bits per second. |
connect-retries | The number of times the SafeLinx Client attempts to reconnect to the mobile access services after the initial connect attempt fails. Connection reattempts also occur when the SafeLinx Client comes out of short-hold mode and the initial dial attempt fails to connect to the mobile access services |
connect-retry-interval | The amount of time, in seconds, the SafeLinx Client waits after an unsuccessful attempt to connect to the mobile access services before attempting to reconnect. |
connection-timeout | The amount of time, in seconds, the SafeLinx Client waits after an unsuccessful attempt to connect to the mobile access services before timing out. |
DialString | The number that the SafeLinx Client dials, in canonical form, to establish a connection with the mobile access services. For example, +1 (919) 254-6100 |
enable-addrinf-acks | Enables a simple request/acknowledgment exchange between the SafeLinx Client and the mobile access services immediately following establishment of a physical connection. This exchange confirms that the mobile access services is responding to the correct SafeLinx Client. It also confirms that the mobile access services can communicate with the SafeLinx Client. The default value is 1. |
enable-callback | 1= enable callback from the mobile access services to the SafeLinx Client when the timer for short-hold mode expires. 0= the connection enters short-hold mode on connection failure |
force_local_ac | 1= force the mobile access services to use the area code when dialing the SafeLinx Client. 0= mobile access services uses a set of default rules when dialing the SafeLinx Client. These rules are based on the dialing properties used for TAPI modems. |
force_local_cc | 1= force the mobile access services to use the country code when dialing the SafeLinx Client. 0= Mobile access services uses a set of default rules when dialing the SafeLinx Client. These rules are based on the dialing properties used for TAPI modems. |
local_ac | If the connection is in short-hold mode and the callback feature is enabled, this number is the area code used by the mobile access services. This area code is used to call the SafeLinx Client when it has data to send. |
local_co | This number is the company code used by the mobile access services to call the SafeLinx Client when it has data to send. Applicable only when the connection is in short-hold mode and the callback feature is enabled. |
local_country_value | This number is the country code used by the mobile access services to call the SafeLinx Client when it has data to send. Applicable only when the connection is in short-hold mode and the callback feature is enabled |
local_number | This number is the subscriber number or personal number of the mobile phone used by the mobile access services. The number is used to call the SafeLinx Client when it has data to send. Applicable only when the connection is in short-hold mode and the callback feature is enabled |
short-hold-timeout | The amount of time, in seconds, that the connection waits before entering short-hold mode. If there is no network traffic over the connection after the specified number of seconds elapses, the connection is placed in short-hold mode. A setting of 0 disables short-hold mode. |
tapi_reply_timeout | The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for replies from TAPI before timing out. The default is 30. |
wakeup_interval | The amount of time, in seconds, that the SafeLinx Client waits after the device is resumed before attempting to reestablish the connection. This parameter gives the device time to restart before SafeLinx Client activity begins. |
Parameter name | Description |
EnableRxPortTracing | Specifies whether full tracing is enabled on the Comm port. If the value is not present in the file, the default value of 0 (off) is used. |
InitStates | The list of modem initialization states, separated by spaces, for setting up a connection |
LastBDLCAddress | BDLC address of most recently used base station |
ModemBufferSize | Maximum size of packets, in bytes, that are sent to the modem. Values are: 256 if you have a CARMA-M modem, or 1024 if you have a DBA modem. |
ModemCharacterTimeout | The maximum amount of time allowed, in milliseconds, between bytes of data received from the modem. |
ModemConnectTimeout | The amount of time, in milliseconds, the driver waits for a connection to the modem before terminating the connection attempt. |
ModemQueryTimeout | The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response to a modem query |
ModemResponseTimeout | The amount of time, in milliseconds, the driver waist for an unsolicited response from the modem before requesting a response |
ModemSendRetries | The number of times to attempt sending data to the modem before a packet is discarded. |
OverrideNetworkMTU | Overrides the maximum transmission unit (MTU) sent to the Dataradio modem buffers. If the value is not present in the file, the default value of 256 bytes is used. |
Parameter name | Description |
CongestionTimeout | The SafeLinx Client halts packet transmission for the number of seconds specified on the CongestionTimeout parameter. Only applicable when the modem reports a congested state or the SafeLinx Client stops receiving responses from the modem. |
DatatacMTU | The maximum size of any packet the SafeLinx Client tries to send over the DataTAC network. |
KickIntoRange | When set to 1, the SafeLinx Client resets the radio modem receiver if the modem is out of range for the interval specified by the parameter KickIntoRangeSecs. This action enables modems to recognize that they are back in range more quickly. This entry is not in the artour.ini file by default, and the default value is 1. |
KickIntoRangeSecs | When KickIntoRange is set to 1, the radio modem receiver is reset when the modem is out of range for this number of seconds. This entry is not in the artour.ini file by default, and the default value is 30 seconds. |
KickIntoRangeSteps | When KickIntoRange is set to 1, the radio modem receiver is reset by using these steps when the modem is out of range for KickIntoRangeSecs seconds. The step numbers correspond to the available steps listed in the NCLInitSteps entry and must begin and end with step 22. This entry is not in the artour.ini file by default, and the default value is 22 42 43 44 22. |
LastBaudRate | Last BAUD rate at which the modem was successfully initialized |
MaximumRSSI | The RSSI value you want to use to map to 100% strength of the radio signal to your modem. A percentage value 0 - 100% can then be displayed in the tray area of your desktop to indicate signal strength to the modem. |
MinimumRSSI | The RSSI value you want to use to map to 0% strength of the radio signal to your modem. A percentage value between 0% and 100% can then be displayed in the tray area of your desktop. This value indicates signal strength to the modem. |
NCLExitSteps | Specifies a numbered list of shutdown commands to be sent to the modem when
the client is exiting. The default is 30 31 33. Here are the available states:
NCLInitSteps | A string of numbers that list the NCL initialization commands and their order
for this modem. Available steps include:
NetworkVersion | Version of the DataTAC network protocol implementation (4000=North America, 5000=Asia, 6000=Europe) |
NumNullsToPrepend | Specifies the number of null characters that are added as a prefix to messages sent to the modem. The default is 0. |
PMR | 1= this network is a Motorola Private Mobile Radio (PMR) network. 0= this network is not a PMR network. This value is set in the modem.PRO files and is dependent on the type of modem used. |
QueuedPacketTTL | Specifies how long to maintain an outgoing packet which is not written to the modem, before discarding it from the queue. This situation might occur if the modem were out of range of the network and unable to send packets for a long time. This setting does not affect packets queued within the modem. The SafeLinx Client logs an error message whenever a packet is discarded from the queue due to a timeout situation. |
RespectRangeStatus | When set to 1, specifies that the SafeLinx Client dies not attempt to send packets while out of range. The default value is 1, and if it is not present in file, is set to 1. |
SendRetries | Number of times to reattempt sending a DataTAC packet before discarding it. |
SwitchToNative | AT command strings used to switch the DataTAC modem from its dial interface mode into native mode. Native mode supports standard DataTAC commands in Native Control Language (NCL). |
Timeout1 | Number of seconds for shortest timeout value, used for most Native Control Language (NCL) modem commands to modem and some queue throttling. Default is 3. |
Timeout2 | Number of seconds for medium timeout value, used for AT commands to modem, NCL reboot, NCL switchoffModem, and NCL eventControl commands. Default=7 |
Timeout3 | Number of seconds in longest timeout value, used to timeout data packets. Default=1200 |
UserHeader | Extended address or slot number of the mobile access services as defined to the DataTAC network |
VRMSimulator | A VRM simulator simulates a Motorola Private Mobile Radio (PMR) network, which supports standard DataTAC commands in Native Control Language (NCL). 1= modem is an NCL simulator. 0= modem is not an NCL simulator. |
Parameter name | Description |
AdapterNameOverrideString | Allows for the adapter name string sent to the gateway for transport profile selection to be overridden. The default value is null, and the parameter is not used. |
AdapterSpeedOverride | Allows for the connection speed sent to the gateway for transport profile selection to be overridden. The default value is null, and the parameter is not used. |
ConnectionTimeout | The number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client attempts to establish a connection over the interfaces defined for a connection before displaying a warning message. If there are multiple interfaces defined for a connection, then the lowest ConnectionTimeout value found among the interfaces is used. This timeout does not stop the connection attempt from continuing; it displays only the warning message. The default value is 60 seconds. |
GatewayAddress | IP address of the SafeLinx Server |
NoStaticARP | For IP-based network connections, the SafeLinx Client creates a static address resolution protocol (ARP) entry. This process is done for the local router through which UDP packets are sent to the SafeLinx Server. This setting can prevent the loss of UDP packets sent to the SafeLinx Server. Set this parameter to 1 to prevent the creation of the static ARP entry. The default setting is 0. |
OverrideNetworkMTU | The SafeLinx Client uses this value of the network maximum transmission unit
(MTU) instead of using the actual MTU size of the physical interface used. For example, an Ethernet
or RAS connection. Sometimes the SafeLinx Server sends a packet encapsulated in UDP that is
greater than 1472 bytes (1500 MTU - 28 byte UDP header) in length. When that happens, the IP stack
breaks up the packet into individual segments of 1472 bytes or less. Make sure that the setting
accounts for the UDP header. In other words, if you want the maximum size of a packet sent over the
network to be 1500, then set this value to 1472. When RequestTransportProfile=0, then this value is used. When RequestTransportProfile=1 and the transport profile on the SafeLinx Server is set to negotiate the MTU, then this value is used. If transport profile is not set to negotiate the MTU, then the SafeLinx Server overrides it. |
PreferredAdapterToUse | For connections configured to use the Default Local IP Interface, this interface is used when available regardless of what other interfaces are available. |
ResCallbackNumber | If a RAS connection is defined, this setting is the number at which the server calls the SafeLinx Client back. |
RasDomairi | RAS domain name |
RasNumberOfRetries | Number of times to attempt failed RAS connection attempts |
RasPassword | User's RAS password, encrypted |
RasPhoneBookEntry | Name of RAS phone book entry to use to connect to the mobile access services |
RasPhoneNumber | Phone number to dial to establish RAS connections |
RasRetryReturnCodes | List of RAS return codes, separated by spaces, that cause the driver to reconnect a connection. Defined in raserror.h in Microsoft™ Software Developer's Kit |
RasSecondsBetweenRetries | Number of seconds to pause before reconnecting RAS connection |
RasUserid | User's RAS user ID |
ReceivePort | Port on which to receive packets |
SendPort | Port to which to send packets |
Short-Hold-Timeout | The amount of time, in minutes, that the connection waits before entering short-hold mode. If there is no network traffic over the connection after the specified number of seconds elapses, the connection is placed in short-hold mode. The default value is 0 and the range is 0 - 999. A setting of 0 disables short-hold mode. |
SierraMinimumRSSI | This value is used only by Sierra modems. The RSSI value you want to use to map to 0% strength of the radio signal to your modem. A percentage value between 0% and 100% can be displayed in the tray area of your desktop. This value indicates signal strength to the modem. |
StatusDLL | Status DLL for the connection. To create a status DLL, see the comments in the file artapi.h in the SafeLinx Client API Toolkit. |
UseLan | 1= connection uses a LAN card, 0= connection uses Dial-Up Networking |