To add a user to the access control list and set the access level

To add a user from the access control list, you must have Manager access to the database.

About this task


  1. Open the database.
  2. Click File > Application > Access Control.
  3. Click Basics, and then click Add.
  4. Enter the name of the person, server, or group to whom you are giving access, and then click OK.
    Tip: Click the person icon to pick a name from an address book.
  5. Make sure the user you just added is selected in the list of users, and then select whether the user is a person, server, or group in the "User type" list.
  6. Select the access level you want to assign to the user from the "Access level" list. Refer to Access levels for a database and Additional privileges in the access control list for more details on access levels and privileges users can have.
  7. Repeat Steps 3--6 to assign access levels to other names.


Note: All ACLs must include at least one user with Manager access.