onstat -g rah command: Section 4 Recovery ReadAhead Statistics

This section displays information about read-aheads occuring during a logical recovery.

Figure 4. onstat -g rah command output, section 4
Recovery ReadAhead Statistics
                             To Do Free 
# pages # done # ios # alrdy QLen  QLen ra_req
26439   26421  0     26515   0     12   0x53090d40

Output description

# pages
Number of pages requested for read-ahead during recovery.
# done
Number of pages that have been read by the RA daemon.
# ios
Number of I/Os required to read '# done' pages.
# alrdy
Number of duplicate page requests. Many log records may modify a relatively small set of pages.
To Do QLen
Number of requested pages remaining in the list to be read ahead.
Free QLen
Number of items in the free page list. This free list helps make inserting and deleting RA page requests more efficient.
The memory address of the read-ahead request associated with these stats.