onstat -g sle command: Print all sleeping threads

Use the onstat -g sle command to print all sleeping threads.

Figure 1. Syntax:

1  onstat   -g sle

Example output

Figure 2. onstat -g sle command output

Current Admin VP sleep period:  10  millisecs
Sleeping threads with timeouts: 21  threads
   tid v_proc            rstcb             name     time
    49      1          b3b13a8       onmode_mon     0.02
     5      1                0  Cosvr Avail Mgr     0.05
    42      1          b3ad028      main_loop()     0.08
     9      3          b3ad6e8         xtm_svcc     0.64
    14      5                0       mgmt_thd_5     0.65
    13      4                0       mgmt_thd_4     0.65
     4      1                0       mgmt_thd_1     0.65
     6      3                0          dfm_svc     0.98
    33     13                0      mgmt_thd_13     1.54
    27     10                0      mgmt_thd_10     1.54
    21      7                0       mgmt_thd_7     1.54
    12      3                0       mgmt_thd_3     1.76
    29     11                0      mgmt_thd_11     1.76
    23      8                0       mgmt_thd_8     2.08
    31     12                0      mgmt_thd_12     2.08
    35     14                0      mgmt_thd_14     2.98
    19      6                0       mgmt_thd_6     3.00
    25      9                0       mgmt_thd_9     3.00
    37      3                0          sch_rgm     3.48
    44      5          b3af8a8      btscanner 0     7.31
    46      3          b3b0628        bum_sched    41.26