onstat -g ppf command: Print partition profiles
Use the onstat -g ppf partition_number command to display the partition profile for the specified partition number.
the onstat -g ppf or the onstat -g ppf
0 command to display the profiles for all partitions. If
the TBLSPACE_STATS configuration parameter is set to 0, then the onstat
-g ppf command displays: Partition profiles disabled
For more information on the onstat -g ppf command, see the Informix® Performance Guide.
Example output
Output description
- partnum (hex)
- The partition number
- lkrqs (decimal)
- The number of lock requests for a partition
- lkwts (decimal)
- The number of lock waits for a partition
- dlks (decimal)
- The number of deadlocks for a partition
- touts(decimal)
- The number of remote deadlock timeouts for a partition
- isrd (decimal)
- The number of read operations for a partition
- iswrt (decimal)
- The number of write operations for a partition
- isrwt (decimal)
- The number of rewrite or update operations for a partition
- isdel (decimal)
- The number of delete operations for a partition
- bfrd (decimal)
- The number of buffer read operations, in pages
- bfwrt (decimal)
- The number of buffer write operations, in pages
- seqsc (decimal)
- The number of sequential scans for a partition
- rhitratio (percentage)
- The ratio of disk read operations to buffer read operations