onstat -g nss command: Print shared memory network connections status

Use the onstat -g nss sessionid command to display information about the status of the shared memory network connections.

Figure 1. Syntax:

1  onstat   -g nss?  sessionid

If no sessionid is provided, a one-line summary for each shared memory connection is listed.

Example output

Figure 2. onstat -g nss command output
 clientid  clientPID   state    #serverbufs #clientbufs    #rdwrts
       1      14018  Connected        4           4        331
       0      12398  Connected        4           4        294
       2      14036  Connected        4           4         59

Output description

clientid (decimal)
Server assigned value for lookups
clientPID (decimal)
Client process ID
state (string)
Current® state of the connection.
  • Connected
  • Con1
  • Waiting
  • Reject
  • Bedcover
  • Closed
  • Not connected
  • Unknown
#serverbufs (dec)
Number of database server buffers currently allocated
#clientbufs (dec)
Number of client buffers currently allocated
#rdwrts (dec)
Total number of buffers in use