onstat -g vpcache command: Print CPU virtual processor and tenant virtual processor private memory cache statistics

Run the onstat -g vpcache command to display statistics about CPU virtual processor and tenant virtual processor private memory caches.

Figure 1. Syntax:

1  onstat   -g vpcache

Example output

The output for each CPU or tenant virtual processor has the same format. The following example shows the output for one CPU virtual processor.
Figure 2. onstat -g vpcache command output
CPU virtual processor memory block cache statistics - 4096 byte blocks

Number of 4096 byte memory blocks requested for each CPU virtual processor:262144    
CPU virtual processor memory block cache mode : Dynamic

vpid    pid         Blocks held  Hit percentage   Free cache      
1       2557540     4667202       99.2 %           100.0 %

Current total virtual processor allocations from cache: 59466799, Total frees: 60209953 

  size  cur blks   tgt blks   alloc      miss     free      drain  draintime
  1     1662023    9661       49167485   0        49816526  0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:35 2013
  2     130        52428      7609556    297043   7609612   0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  3     329160     9          905094     0        943256    0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:36 2013
  4     424        9          306637     16192    306506    0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:33 2013
  5     10         9          119313     122607   119315    0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:36 2013
  6     20790      9          55305      0        57700     0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:23 2013
  7     9877       9          31164      0        31942     0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:14 2013
  8     2816       5242       6500       0        6537      0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  9     234        9          606575     8323     605525    0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:36 2013
  10    1130       9          5597       0        5679      0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:18 2013
  11    231        5242       1808       0        1753      0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  12    1068       9          5667       0        5666      0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:28 2013
  13    65         5242       7114       175      7110      0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  14    28         5242       26200      172      26185     0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  15    30         5242       13562      553      13547     0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  16    2627136    34         349124     0        408425    0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:35 2013
  17    1309       9          59         0        107       0      Thu Apr 11 09:27:33 2013
  18    198        5242       7          0        6         0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  19    190        5242       5          0        1         0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  20    60         5242       30         19       19        0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  21    462        5242       38         0        43        0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  22    22         5242       3          0        1         0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  23    69         5242       141        15       135       0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  24    4944       35         189509     2078     185347    0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:35 2013
  25    75         5242       1          0        1         0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  26    0          9          364        220      361       0      Thu Apr 11 09:39:17 2013
  27    27         5242       1          0        2         0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  28    56         5242       415        33       410       0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  29    319        5242       7101       735      7088      0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  30    3240       5242       174        0        223       0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
  31    279        11         51994      2515     50682     0      Thu Apr 11 09:43:36 2013
  32    800        5242       256        0        243       0      Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970

Output description

The ID of the virtual processor
The process ID for the virtual processor that is assigned by the operating system
Blocks held
The number of 4096 byte blocks that are available in the private memory cache
Hit percentage
The percentage of time that a block was available when requested
Free cache
The percentage of time that blocks were freed for reuse without being drained
Current VP total allocations from cache
The number of times a block or group of blocks was taken from the cache
Total frees
The number of times a block or group of blocks was added to the cache
The size of the memory blocks, in 4096-byte blocks
cur blks
The current number of 4096-byte blocks that are allocated (a multiple of size)
tgt blks
The target number of blocks for the cache entry before the cache is drained
The number of times a requestor received a block of this size
The number of times a block was requested but none were available
The number of times a memory block was placed into the cache
The number of times an aged block was forced out to make room for another block
The last time the bin of memory blocks was drained