
Initiates mail routing with a specific Domino® server.


Use the Route command for servers that are configured for Pull, Pull Push, Push, or Push Wait routing in the Connection document. Use the server's full hierarchical name, if applicable. If the server name is more than one word, enclose the entire name in quotes. To route to all pending destinations, use Route *.

Use the Route command to troubleshoot mail problems and to send mail to or request mail from a server immediately.

If no mail is queued for routing, Domino® ignores the Route command.

Note: The Route command overrides any mail routing schedules that you create in Connection documents in the Domino® Directory.

Use the Tell Router Show command to check for messages pending for local delivery or to check for messages held because a mail file is over quota.

To check which servers have mail queued, use this command at the console:

Tell Router show


 Route servername 


Route Marketing\Acme -- Sends mail to the Marketing server in the Acme domain. The server console displays messages indicating when routing begins.

Route * -- Sends mail to all pending destinations.

Route [$LocalDelivery] -- Overrides the next scheduled retry time and attempts local delivery immediately.

Routing mail from the Domino® Administrator

You can route mail directly from the Server - Status tab in the Domino® Administrator.

  1. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Server > Status tab.
  2. If necessary, click Tools to display the tool bar, and then click Server > Route Mail.
  3. Under Route mail with server, enter the name of the server you want to route mail to, or select the name of the server from the list.
  4. Click Route.