
Forces a dynamic reloading of the Smart Upgrade configuration information, displays the state of the Domino® server's Smart Upgrade cache information, and displays Smart Upgrade statistics gathered when the Domino® server was restarted.


 Sucache refresh


The following is an example of the output that is generated by the sucache refresh command:

Server.SmartUpgrade.Database = smupdate.nsf
Server.SmartUpgrade.Database.ReplicaID = 006D4604:85256B83
Server.SmartUpgrade.Governor = Enabled
Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Allowed = 3
Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Current = 0
Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Maximum = 10
Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Peak = 1
Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Rejected = 0
8 statistics found

The Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Maximum =10 value is the maximum concurrent number of Smart Upgrade attempts that are allowed when the Smart Upgrade Governor is enabled based on the Domino® server's configuration.

The Server.SmartUpgrade.Users.Rejected is the number of Smart Upgrade attempts that were rejected on this Domino® server because the server was already at the maximum concurrent number allowed in the configuration.