Displays the amount of space, in bytes, available on the disk drive (Microsoft™ Windows™), or file system (UNIX™).
If you do not specify a location, Domino® displays the space available on the disk or file system containing the Domino® program directory. If available disk space is low -- for example, under 10MB -- free up disk space by deleting documents, databases, and other files that you don't need.
Show Diskspace location
Domino® makes calls to the network redirector on the system it's on.
How you enter the Show Diskspace command depends on the server's operating system.
On a Windows™ 2000/2003 server, enter this command to display available space on Drive C
Show Diskspace COn a UNIX™ server, enter this command to display available space in the /USR directory of a file system:
Show Diskspace /USROn a UNIX™ server, enter this command to display available space in the current directory:
Show Diskspace