
Displays the amount of space, in bytes, available on the disk drive (Microsoft Windows), or file system (UNIX).


If you do not specify a location, Domino® displays the space available on the disk or file system containing the Domino® program directory. If available disk space is low -- for example, under 10MB -- free up disk space by deleting documents, databases, and other files that you don't need.


 Show Diskspace location 
Note: The Domino® server starts before drives are mapped. Therefore, when you use the command, the drives aren't visible. To see the mapped drivers, stop and restart the Domino® server or put the Domino® server in the Startup group.

Domino® makes calls to the network redirector on the system it's on.

Tip: You can also display the amount of available space by using the Domino® Administrator. From the Domino® Administrator, click the Files tab. If necessary, click Tools, and then from the tool bar, click Disk Information.


How you enter the Show Diskspace command depends on the server's operating system.

On a Windows 2000/2003 server, enter this command to display available space on Drive C

Show Diskspace C

On a UNIX server, enter this command to display available space in the /USR directory of a file system:

Show Diskspace /USR

On a UNIX server, enter this command to display available space in the current directory:

Show Diskspace