导出凭据存储的内容、凭据存储中的共享密钥、服务器 ID 文件中的命名加密密钥、所有域密钥识别邮件 (DKIM) 文档或 DKIM 密钥。
- Export the content of a credential store to a database. Do this to prepare to import the content into a different credential store. For example, do this when moving a credential store from single server configuration to cluster configuration or vice versa. Any encrypted document in the credential store is decrypted with the named encryption key and encrypted with the target server's public key before being placed in the target database.
- Export a named encryption key in a server ID file to a file. For example, do this in a cluster to prepare to then import the key into the ID file of another server in the cluster that will use the associated credential store.
- Export all shared encryption keys used for DAOS object encryption from a credential store to a database. Do this to prepare to import the shared keys into another credential store.
Syntax: Export content of credstore.nsf
keymgmt export credstore <database> <target_server>
- <
> is the name of a database to create on the local server to store the exported content. - <
> is the Notes hierarchical name of the server with the credential store you are switching to.
You must copy the database to the data directory of the target server in order to next use
keymgmt import
to import the content into the target server credential
Any encrypted document in the credential store is decrypted with the name encryption key and encrypted with the target server's public key before being put in the database.
keymgmt export credstore credstorecopy.nsf hubserver/renovations
Syntax: Export a named encryption key
keymgmt export nek <nekname> [overwrite] <nekname>.key <password>
> is the name of the key, <nekname
>.key is
the name of the key file, and <password> is a password for the key
file. keymgmt export nek credstorekey credstorekey.key passw0rd
keymgmt export nek credstorekey overwrite credstorekey.key passw0rd
Syntax: Export shared encryption keys
To export shared encryption keys used for DAOS object encryption from a credential store to prepare to import them into another credential store, enter the following command:
keymgmt export sharedkey <database> <servername>
is the file name of a database in which to export the shared
keys. The database is created in the local IBM_Credstore directory.
is the hierarchical name of a server that uses the target
credential store which you will use to import the shared keys. Only this server can be used
to import the shared keys to the target credential store.
keymgmt export sharedkey exportdb.nsf Apps1/Renovations
Syntax: Export DKIM documents
EXPORT DKIM <exportFile> <serverName>
is the file name of a database in which to export the DKIM
documents. The database is created in the local IBM_Credstore directory.
is the hierarchical name of a server that uses the target
credential store on which to store the file.
keymgmt export dkimdb.nsf Mail1/Renovations
Syntax: Export a DKIM key
keymgmt export DKIM DNS <domain> <selector> <dkimdnsfile>
is the name of the Domino Internet domain that you specified for the key.<selector>
is the DKIM selector you specified for the key.<dkimdnsfile>
is the name of the .txt file to create in the Domino data directory that contains the DNS TXT record.
keymgmt export DKIM DNS renovations.com 12345 dkimdns.txt