Installing the Editor Application
HCL Docs uses a response file to silently install from the command line.
Installing the first node or single server
Extract the installation files
Note: This procedure assumes
that you have extracted the HCL Docs packages
as stated in the topic Installing the HCL Docs components using the scripts.
If you extracted the packages into another directory, update the steps
- Log into the server that will host the HCL Docs server with an administrative account.
- Change directory to the location where you extracted the HCL Docs packages.
cd /opt/install/Docs (Linux)
cd C:\install\Docs (Windows)
- Extract the files from the file:
- unzip -d /opt/install/Docs/DocsApp ./native/ (Linux)
- extract
to C:\install\Docs\DocsApp (Windows)
If prompted to replace files, select the option to replace all.
- On Linux, go to the DocsApp/installer directory,
and set the permissions of the *.sh (shell scripts) using
chmod 755 *.sh
Configure the file
- Open the following file in a text editor:
- /opt/install/Docs/DocsApp/installer/ (Linux)
- C:\install\Docs\DocsApp\installer\ (Windows)
- Modify the following parameters in the file. An example is provided in the table.Note:
- You can review the file parameter description within the file for each of these fields. The values in Table 1 are for typical deployments. For third party integration, more properties that are listed in Table 2 are added into the file. For other types of configurations, for example, if you are setting up a server instead of a cluster, review the other options in the files.
Table 1. File propertiesThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to file configuration. Field Value docs_install_root DOCSCLUSTER_INSTALLPATH, for example, /opt/IBM/IBMDocs shared_data_dir* NFSCLIENT_DOCSDATA_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/docs_data was_install_root The path of WebSphere Application Server profile used on this server, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01 was_soap_port 8879 scope Cluster scope_name IBMDocsCluster node_name <Leave as Blank since using Clusters> db_type db2 db_hostname VHOST_ConnectionsDB, for example, db_port VPORT_ConnectionsDB, for example, 50000 db_name CONCORD db_jdbc_driver_path JDBC_DRIVER_PATH_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/SQLLIB conversion_url(Needs to point to the IBM HTTP Server pool) ic_admin_j2c_alias J2C_ALIAS, for example, connectionsAdmin files_url (Needs to point to the IBM HTTP Server pool) email_url auth_type FORM auth_host <Leave as Blank since using FORM> mt false software_mode Premise spreadsheet_nodejs_install FALSE social_suit_enabled The root switcher of social functions, for example, true/false integrate_with_LC Whether integrate Profiles, Business Card and Sametime from Connections configurations, for example, true/false use_initial_name Whether use initial name directly even the Connections Profiles is available, for example, true/false LC_config_xml_path The path for retrieving the LotusConnections-config.xml in current Docs server, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/{SERVER_NAME}/config/cells/{ CELL_NAME}/LotusConnections-config LC_connect_attempt_count Tuning option, indicate the retry count if Connections server is temperorily unavailable, for example, 20 LC_connect_attempt_interval Tuning option, indicate the retry interval value in millisecond if Connections server is temperorily unavailable, for example, 500 ST_standalone_available Whether use a standalone Sametime that is not integrated with Connections. for example, true/false ST_server Specify the Sametime HTTP server, for example, http://<Sametime_Server>:<Sametime_WebChat_default_host_port> Note: It is only needed when ST_standalone_available is true.ST_domain Specify the domain of your server, keep it blank if the domain of your Docs server is same to the domain of your Sametime server, for example, SSL_ST_server Specify the Sametime HTTPS server, for example, https://<Sametime_Server>:<Sametime_WebChat_security_host_port> Note: It is only needed when ST_standalone_available is true.ecm_admin_j2c_alias JAAS Alias for CCM Object Store Administrator. The J2C alias must exist in WebSphere Application Server deployment where HCL Docs is on. The value must be the same as you set in , for example, filenetAdmin ecm_cmis_server_url The host name, port and context root for IBM CMIS server for CCM or IBM Content Navigator Integration, for example, Leave it default if not integrating with CCM or ECM repository. ecm_fncs_server_url The host name, port and context root for IBM FNCS server for CCM or IBM Content Navigator Integration, for example, Leave it default if not integrating with CCM or ECM repository. ecm_navigator_server_url The host name, port and context root for IBM navigator server, for example, Leave it default if not integrate ECM repository ecm_community_server_url The host name, port and context root for HCL Connections server, for example, Leave it default if not integrating with CCM repository. non_job_mgr_mode Whether use job manager for deployment. The value should be True. Note: * shared_data_dir defines the local path to which the Docs Data remote shared storage (NFS) has been mounted. See the topic HCL Docs Shared Storage Servers for details on the server and client configuration parameters. Additionally, this shared storage needs to be mounted prior to the start of the HCL Docs server. See the topic Mounting the NFS share on a Linux server for instructions on how to do this.Table 2. File properties for integration with other repositoriesThis table provides suggested default values for integration with other repositories. Field Value external_s2s_method Identify what server to server call authentication method is used from HCL Docs to third party. It can be one of oauth2, j2c_alias, s2s_token, and cookies. The default value is oauth2. external_customer_id Identify the customer id when external_s2s_method equals oauth2. The value is the domain or id of the third party, such as external_oauth_endpoint The third party oauth endpoint to do oauth2 authentication. It is used when external_s2s_method equals oauth2. The value is external_j2c_alias The alias must exist in HCL Docs WebSphere and is used to do server to server call when external_s2s_method equals j2c_alias. The value is externalAdmin. external_s2s_token token used to do server to server call. It is used when external_s2s_method equals s2s_token external_token_key token used to do server to server call. It is used when external_s2s_method equals s2s_token. The default value is token. external_as_user_key the header name to act as a user when does server to sever call when external_s2s_method equals j2c_alias or s2s_token. The default value is as-user. external_cmis_atom_pub CMIS atom pub url, and it is used when the repository is CMIS. The default value is external_object_store The object store name that cmis is using, and it is used when the repository is CMIS. Leave it blank or use default value "" if there is no ObjectStore defined. docs_call_back_url Docs callback URL used by repository. The default value is external_repository_home third party repository home page or the files list page, and it is used to go back to third party page within Docs page. The default value is external_meta_url the file meta url, and it is used when the repository is REST api. {ID} must have to match a real file id. The default value is{ID}/meta. external_get_content_url The file content to get url, and it is used when the repository is REST api. {ID} is must have to match a real file id. The default value is{ID}/content. external_set_content_url the file content post url, and it is used when the repository is REST api. {ID} is must have to match a real file id. The default value is{ID}/content. external_profiles_url the url to get user profiles. The default value is - Save the file and close the editor.
Configure the file
- Copy the content in file to the file to replace existing content.
- Open the file to modify
- Change docs_install_root to the install directory of HCL Docs on the Docs nodes.
- Change was_install_root to the Websphere profile path used to install HCL Docs servers.
Run the installer
For a single
server or the first node in an HCL Docs cluster,
begin the following steps from the HCL Docs node itself,
not from the Deployment Manager node:
- Open a terminal window under the root account.
- Navigate to the directory: .
- /opt/install/Docs/DocsApp/installer (Linux)
- C:\install\Docs\DocsApp\installer (Windows)
- Run the following command:
- A License agreement is displayed. If you accept the agreement, press the "a" key and then press Enter.
- When prompted, enter your WebSphere Application Server credentials.
Table 3. WebSphere Application Server credentialsThis table provides suggested default values for WebSphere Application Server credentials. Field Value WAS Administrative Username WASADMIN_USERNAME, for example, wasadmin WAS Administrator password WASADMIN_PASSWORD, for example, password - When prompted, enter your IBM DB2 credentials.
Table 4. DB2 credentialsThis table provides suggested default values for DB2 credentials. Field Value DB2 Instance Username docsuser DB2 Instance Password password - When the installation is finished, the command prompt is displayed. If an error occurred with the install process, the configuration is reverted. Correct the error and try again.
Installing subsequent Nodes
Perform the steps for the following server: IBMDocsCluster_Docs02
- For subsequent node installations, copy the file from the primary node to the installation directory on each of the subsequent nodes and rename it
- Run the file on Linux or install_node.bat on Windows from the installation directory.
- Follow the prompts.
When the installation is finished, check the docs_install.log file for
errors and repeat this task if necessary. The log file is in the
docs_install_root/logs directory, where
docs_install_root is the value that you specified in the response file for
the HCL Docs installation directory. Verify that
you can get the version of HCL Docs that you
installed: for example,
Note: When
performing a sanity check for HCL Docs, ensure that the port used for the
WC_defaulthost port is not blocked.