Non-root users (Linux™) or non-administrative users (Windows™) can install HCL Docs and
other components. Users must follow this
procedure to grant sufficient permissions.
Before you begin
Before installing as a non-root or
non-admin user, you must ensure to add the account to system
Administrator group because the deployment scripts will use
Job Manager provided by WebSphere for remote deployment. Related limitations
can be accessed at Requirements for using Remote Execution and Access
the following non-root installation procedures to install
WebSphere® Application Server,
HTTP Server, and
IBM® Connections
as a non-root or non-administrative user:
- To install HCL Docs:
- Confirm that a non-root user exists, and that there
is a related home directory.
For example, there is
a non-root user named nonroot.
- Create the HCL Docs database
after the non-root user gives the IBM® DB2® administrator (for example,
db2inst1) read, write, and run permissions for DB scripts.
- Make sure that the non-root user is granted read, write,
and run permissions to the following directories:
- Installer root source, for example: /home/nonroot/software/
- Extracted installer root, for example: /home/nonroot/software/Concord/
- WebSphere® Application
Server installation root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/
- HCL Docs installation
root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/IBMDocs/
- HCL Docs shared
directory for data store, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/shared/data/
- Database Driver location, for example:/opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/java/
- Follow the procedure in Installing the Editor Application.
- To install the Document Format Conversion server (Windows™):
- Confirm that a standard user (non-administrator) exists.
For example, there is a standard user named nonroot.
- Follow the procedure in Installing the Document Format Conversion Application.
- If the task scheduler scripts are not started, you must
manually run the task scheduler scripts with administrator permission: [install_root]/symphony/symphony_monitor/start_task.bat
Note: Before uninstalling, you must remove the kill_timeout and sym_monitor tasks
in the task scheduler with administrator permissions.
- To install the HCL Docs extension
plug-in on IBM® Connections:
- Confirm that a non-root user exists, and that there
is a related home directory.
For example, there is a
non-root user named nonroot.
- Make sure that the non-root user is granted read, write,
and run permissions to the following directories:
- Installer root source, for example: /home/nonroot/software/
- Extracted installer root, for example: /home/nonroot/software/ConcordConnectionUIExtension/
- WebSphere® Application
Server installation root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/
- Connections installation root, for example:/home/nonroot/IBM/Connections/)
- Follow the procedure in Installing the Editor Extension for Connections.
- To install File Viewer:
- Confirm that a non-root user exists, and that there
is a related home directory.
For example, there is
a non-root user named nonroot.
- Make sure that the non-root user is granted read, write,
and run permissions to the following directories:
- Installer root source, for example: /home/nonroot/software/
- Extracted installer root, for example: /home/nonroot/software/Viewer/
- WebSphere® Application
Server installation root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/
- File Viewer installation
root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/Viewer/
- File Viewer shared
directory for the data store, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/data/shared/
- Follow Installing Viewer Application.
- To install the File Viewer extension plug-in
on IBM® Connections:
- Confirm that a non-root user exists, and that there
is a related home directory.
For example, there is a
non-root user named nonroot.
- Make sure that the non-root user is granted read, write,
and run permissions to the following directories:
- Installer root source, for example: /home/nonroot/software/
- Extracted installer root, for example: /home/nonroot/software/ViewerConnectionUIExtension/
- WebSphere® Application
Server installation root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/
- Connections installation root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/Connections/)
- Follow the procedure in Installing the Viewer Extension on Connections .
- To install the WebSphere® proxy server filter for HCL Docs:
- Confirm that a non-root user exists, and that there
is a related home directory.
For example, there is a
non-root user named nonroot.
- Make sure that the non-root user is granted read, write,
and run permissions to the following directories:
- Installer root source, for example: /home/nonroot/software/
- Extracted installer root, for example: /home/nonroot/software/ConcordProxyFilter/
- WebSphere® Application
Server installation root, for example: /home/nonroot/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/
- Follow the procedure in Installing Editor Proxy Filter.
Note: There are several ways to grant non-root users read, write,
and run permissions. One option is to change the group of the target
directory to a non-root group, and then grant the group the permissions.
Here is an example:
chgrp -R <non-root_user_group> <app_server_root>
chmod -R g+wrx <app_server_root>
non-root_user_group is
a user group that contains the non-root user account and
app_server_root is
the target directory.