HCL Docs Shared Storage Servers

Shared storage is required between the HCL Docs and Conversion servers as well as between the File Viewer and Conversion servers. This is used for HCL Docs internal storage of the drafts as documents are being edited.

For background on HCL Docs shared storage, see the topic HCL Docs shared storage overview and requirements

Note: This worksheet assumes that you are using an NFS server running on one of your Connections or HCL DocsFile Viewer servers. If your File Viewer data will be shared via CIFS (SMB), follow the Windows documentation or your filer documentation for setting up a CIFS share.

NFS server

The NFS server or NAS is where the shared storage folders are exported to the required clients. This server needs to be accessible by the HCL Docs, Conversion and File Viewer servers.
  • The NFS Server is the host name of the NFS server. This host name will be used by the HCL Docs, Conversion and File Viewer servers.
  • The User ID is the owner or member of the group that has access to the shared storage. It is particularly important to ensure that this user has the ability to read and write to the shared storage.
  • The UID and GID fields are used on the Conversion and File Viewer (if installed on Windows) servers to set up the AnonymousUID and AnonymousGID fields. These need to match the UID and GID of the user that the HCL Docs and File Viewer WebSphere® instances run under.
Table 1. NFS server parametersThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to the NFS server.

Field Name Parameter
NFS Server NFS_SERVERHOST, for example, DocsLab01.example.com
User ID OSACCOUNT_LINUX, for example, root
UID NFS_UID, for example, 0
GID NFS_GID, for example, 0

Server-side exported directories

There are up to three mount points that need to be accessible from an NFS server:
  1. Connections Content Store --The Connections Files content store. Typically this share is created during the HCL Connections deployment so can be recorded here even though not directly used by the HCL Docs install. The Connections Files content store is used by File Viewer to indicate where the uploaded files are located and will be used in the viewer config file during install.
  2. Viewer Data -- Stores the converted drafts and images used for viewing of a document. The File Viewer and Conversion servers will need access to this share.
  3. Docs Data -- Stores the document drafts of the converted documents as well as the updates for the documents including coediting sessions used for editing of a document. The Docs and Conversion servers will need access to this share.
Table 2. Server-side exported directory parametersThis table provides suggested default values for server-side exported directories.

Field Name Parameter
Connections Content Store NFS_MOUNTPOINT_CONNECTIONSDATA, for example, /nfs/IBM/ConnectionsData
Connections Files Content Store CONNECTIONS_CONTENT_STORE, for example, /nfs/IBM/ConnectionsData/files/upload
Viewer Data NFS_MOUNTPOINT_VIEWERDATA, for example, /nfs/viewer_data
Docs Data NFS_MOUNTPOINT_DOCSDATA, for example, /nfs/docs_data

Client-side mount points

The Conversion, HCL Docs and File Viewer servers need to have access to the shared storage set up in the server-side exported directories section. This is typically done by mounting the exported directories on the Conversion, HCL Docs and File Viewer servers using an NFS client. Each of the servers will require the administrator to set up and persist these mount points before those servers are deployed.

These can be made accessible from either from a Linux or Windows server. The fields in the table show examples for each of the platforms they can be deployed.
  • Connections Content Store -- HCL Connections shared data store. It needs to be accessible from the File Viewer server.
  • Files Content Store -- Location of the HCL Connections Files application where uploaded files are located. If File Viewer is installed on the same node as Connections, this must be blank. If File Viewer is installed on a separate server rather than Connections, this will be the File Viewer local path to access the Connections FILES_CONTENT_DIR (Connections Files WebSphere® variable)
  • Viewer Data -- Location of the local path for the File Viewer share. File Viewer is supported on both Linux and Windows.
  • Docs Data -- Location of the local path for the HCL Docs share. HCL Docs is currently supported only on Linux.
Table 3. Client-side mount point parametersThis table provides suggested default values for client-side mount points.

Linux Windows
Connections Content Store NFSCLIENT_CONNECTIONSDATA_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/ConnectionsData NFSCLIENT_CONNECTIONSDATA_WINDOWS, for example, Z:
Files Content Store NFSCLIENT_CONNECTIONSDATA_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/ConnectionsData/files/upload NFSCLIENT_CONNECTIONSDATA_WINDOWS, for example, Z:\files\upload
Viewer Data NFSCLIENT_VIEWERDATA_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/viewer_data NFSCLIENT_VIEWERDATA_WINDOWS, for example,Y:
Docs Data NFSCLIENT_DOCSDATA_LINUX, for example, /opt/IBM/docs_data NFSCLIENT_DOCSDATA_WINDOWS, for example, W: