Applying licenses to agents

You can download the software for installation and apply the licenses that are associated with your order.

About this task

After you purchase HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy), you receive an email notification about your purchase and a documentation about how to access and manage licenses in the HCL License Portal. In the HCL License Portal, you can manage software distribution and software entitlements that you purchased from HCL Software. A license manager or a team member who has familiarity with the language of licenses should manage the entitled licenses in the HCL License Portal.

Before you begin, make sure you have an entitled agent and z/OS agent licenses configured with your Cloud device.

Apply license to agents by connecting the Deploy server to the FlexNet license server.

Note: Relays do not require any additional licenses.


  1. Log on to the HCL license portal with your configured password and retrieve the License Server ID.
  2. On the Deploy dashboard, click Settings > System Settings.
  3. In the FlexNet Server Path field, enter the server URL:
    1. Local FlexNet Server:
    2. Cloud FlexNet Server:<LICENSE_SERVER_ID>/request
  4. Click Save.
    The FlexNet license server is configured with your Deploy product.
  5. Verify or update the license type in Automatic Agent License Type field as HCL_AUTHORIZED from the system settings.
    The following tips help you troubleshoot the Cloud license server connectivity.
    • Check if the server is FlexNet license server reachable by opening the FlexNet license server URL in your browser or by using a curl command. You get the It Works! message on a successful connection. Download the HCL® Local License Server installer from the Felxnet Operations portal.

      This method also allows you to check if your instance has access to the Cloud license server even without a fully configured device.

    • Increase the output sent to your server logs by enabling the debug for Licensing log.

      Navigate to Settings > System > Logging > Other Logs. Click Enable for licensing from the Actions column. Then, save your changes.

      You can also enable the debug for Licensing log using the Edit option. Check Enabled in the Edit Log: licensing window and save your changes.

      The enabled licensing log is displayed as True in the Log table.


What to do next

After configuration, confirm that your agent license is active by clicking Resources > Agents. Licensed agents are listed as Authorized and flagged true in the License column.