Mapping an automatic view root directory to a drive letter

You can use the rcleartool command to start an automatic view to specify a drive letter that maps to that automatic view, in the same way as a dynamic view does.



  1. ClearCase® views:
    1. ClearCase dynamic views support mapping the view root directory to a drive letter using a network provider. For example:
      C:>net use Y: \\view\dynamic_view_tag

      The Microsoft Windows SUBST command also supports mapping the view root directory to a drive letter for dynamic views. For example:

      C:>subst Y: M:\dynamic_view_tag
    2. ClearCase automatic views support only the SUBST command. For example:
      C:>subst Z: R:\automatic_view_tag

    The rcleartool startview command, the ClearTeam Explorer, and the ClearCase integration with Visual Studio provide support for SUBST’d automatic view root directories.

  2. Mapping can be done using the rcleartool startview command, the ClearTeam Explorer, and the ClearCase integration with Visual Studio to provide support for SUBST’d automatic view root directories.
    1. Use the -subst flag in the rcleartool startview command to create a drive letter mapping in addition to starting the automatic view if it was not already started.
      rcleartool> startview -subst driveletter: automatic_view_tag

      If the view is already started, invoking the startview command from the rcleartool command line with -subst does the mapping. You can also use the Windows SUBST command directly to map a started view to a drive letter.

    2. Select an available drive letter for mapping using the Create View wizard while creating an automatic view in the ClearTeam Explorer.
      Note: The drive letter mapping is not persistent and must be done by the user each time the view is started.
    3. The ClearCase integration with Visual Studio correctly recognizes automatic view root directories that are mapped to a drive letter.

      After starting a view with a drive mapping to the view root directory (for example, startview -subst Z: myview-tag), issuing the command subst from the DOS prompt displays:

      Z:\: => R:\myview-tag

      You can now navigate into VOBs/folders through Z: \



Unmapping can be done either with the rcleartool command or the ClearTeam Explorer.
  1. rcleartool command: Unmap the subst /D command, using the following commands from the rcleartool command line.
    • rcleartool> endview view-tag
    • rcleartool> rmview -tag view-tag
  2. ClearTeam Explorer:

    Right-click a view-tag and select End View or Remove ClearCase View.



  • The ClearTeam Explorer Start View operation does not allow for the mapping of drives.
  • Mapped drives do not persist across reboots. However, you can create a batch file in your Windows Startup folder that can start your views and map them to the correct drive letters using one or more rcleartool commands.
  • rcleartool startview supports more than one view at once (for example, rcleartool startview view-tag1 view-tag2 ... view-tagN), when using the -subst flag, you can start only one view (for example, rcleartool startview -subst T: view-tag).