To check in a nonselected hijacked file
About this task
If the view no longer selects the
version that you hijacked, you cannot check out the hijacked file. The method for checking in
hijacked files on the UNIX system and Linux differs from the method on Windows systems.
- On the UNIX system or Linux, to check in modifications to a nonselected hijacked file, complete
the following steps:
- Rename the hijacked file.
- Update the parent directory of the file by using following command:
cleartool update path
- Display the version tree of the file using the following command:
cleartool lsvtree -graphical path
- Determine which version is the version that you hijacked. You may need to view the history for this element by clicking in the Version Tree Browser.
- In the Version Tree Browser, select the version that you originally hijacked and click .
- In your view, copy your hijacked file over the checked-out version.
- Merge from the latest version on the branch to your checked-out version by selecting the checked out version and choosing .
- After the merge, in the Version Tree Browser, click the version you checked out and click .
- On Windows systems, to check in modifications to a nonselected hijacked file, complete the
following steps:
- From DevOps ClearCase® Explorer or Windows Explorer, rename the hijacked file.
- Right-click the parent directory of the file. Then click .
- Right-click the file that was loaded into your view. Then click .
- Determine which version is the version that you hijacked. You may need to view the history for this element by clicking in the Version Tree Browser.
- In the Version Tree Browser, right-click the version that you hijacked and click Check Out.
- In your view, copy your hijacked file over the checked-out version.
- Merge from the latest version on the branch to your checked-out version by performing the
following actions:
- In the Version Tree Browser, right-click the latest version on the branch and click Merge to.
- Click the version that is checked out to your view and follow the prompts.
- After the merge, in the Version Tree Browser, right-click the version you checked out and click Check In.