How directory checkouts are canceled

When you cancel a directory checkout (which you rarely need to do explicitly on Windows® systems), the VOB is notified that you no longer have the version of the directory checked out to your view. You are not prompted to rename a canceled directory checkout to directory-name.keep.

If you cancel a directory checkout after changing its contents, any changes you made with cleartool rmname, mv, and ln are lost. Any new elements you created (with mkelem or mkdir) become orphaned.

Windows tip: When you create elements with the Add to Source Control GUI command, the directory is checked out, the element is added, and the directory is checked in, avoiding the creation of orphaned elements.

Orphaned elements (and any data that exists in the view at the path of the new element) are moved to the VOB lost+found directory under names of this form:


In such cases, you see this message:

cleartool: Warning: Object "prog.c" no longer referenced.
cleartool: Warning: Moving object to vob lost+found directory as

In a snapshot view, view-private objects are not removed nor is the update operation for the directory in the view started. To return the directory in your view to its state before you checked it out, you must start the Update Tool.

In a dynamic view, view-private objects are not removed, but the view does revert to its previous state.

Tip: In a snapshot view, the lost+found directory, which is located immediately below the root directory of a VOB, is treated as any other directory. To load the directory in your view, you must use a load rule that specifies either the parent directory of the element or the directory itself. However, as with any other directory in a snapshot view, you do not need to load the lost+found directory to issue DevOps Code ClearCase® commands for elements in the directory.
