Activating the Role-based Resource Manager
The Role-based Resource Manager is activated by a parameter to the Remote Build server. The server option is specified in the server startup JCL RCCRUNM.
About this task
When the role-base Resource Manager is active, the administrator for the Remote Build server can specify the role of the Remote Build user. The administrator specifies the user ID and password (of the rccbuild invoker) in the rccbuild command.
The administrator can define as many roles as needed. A typical set of roles are: Developer, Builder, and Tester. Each role has an associated ID and each role ID has control of a set of resources (files, application, etc.).
Valid values of the –rl roleID argument are identifiers for these roles. This argument also enables users (rccbuild invokers) to identify a set of resources to be accessed by entering the user's role. The Remote Build user specifies the user ID and password either in the command or in the secure password protection file. This argument is ignored if the -a S option is not specified for the Remote Build server.
The administrator for the Remote Server creates these values and associates them with a Remote Build server. Each role ID controls a set of resources (files, application, etc.). For example, identifiers for the typical set of roles could be: RBDEVP, RBBULD, and RBTEST.
- The Remote Build Server was started by a user whose role ID is RBADMN.
This is the name of the role for the Remote Build Server Administrator.
- The Remote Build server is running with option -a S.
- The following roles are indicated and the applicable role IDs
are specified:
- Administrator = RBADMN
- Developer = RBDEVP
- Tester = RBTEST
- Three Remote Build users = RBUSER1, RBUSER2 and RBUSER3
- Facility class
- Role ID
- User ID Jane is associated with role ID RBADMN
- User ID John is associated with role ID RBADMN
- User ID George is associated with role ID RBDEVE
- User ID Jason is associated with role ID RBTEST
- User IDs and passwords that are passed by the client command, rccbuild, are verified.
- Authorization is confirmed for using the z/OS® MVS™ libraries
and z/OS UNIX® System Services directories that are accessed
during a build request.
- If argument -rl roleID is not specified, this user ID is validated for the role as a Remote Build administrator. The Remote Build administrator starts the Remote Build task, using the user ID (RBADMN) that is authorized to access the set of z/OS resources as defined by the Security Administrator. If this user ID is confirmed, this ID is authorized to start the Remote Build task. For example, only Jane, role ID (RBADMN, can start the Remote Build feature.
- If argument -rl roleID is specified,
the user ID is validated for that special role; and if the user ID
is validated for this special role, the Remote Build administrator
has the surrogate authority to initiate MVS processes
on behalf of role IDs.
Possible scenarios:
Example 1: If –rl RBDEVP is specified by user John and if John is verified as a role RBDEVP, the Remote Build server will start a remote build process under the role ID RBDEVP and execute the script requested from user John. Because John's script is executed under the role ID RBDEVP, John can access all the resources under BCC.REMOTE.BUILD.RBDEVP.
RBUSER2 to access
Example 2: If George specifies –rl RBTEST and if George is verified as role RBTEST, which is authorized only to access testing data, the Remote Build server will start a remote build process under the role ID RBTEST and execute the script requested from user George. Because George's script is executed under the role ID RBTEST , George can access only testing data. If he tries to access development data, the validation will fail for George and he will be rejected for submitting job to Remote Build server.