Submitting multiple COBOL programs

Before you begin

Before performing this sample parameterized build request, you need to ensure that the test programs have been set up as described in Setting up a test environment.

About this task

Use sample programs pbtest1.cbl and pbtest2.cbl to perform this test case.


  1. Issue the following command from the UNIX® command line:
    perl -i /userProfilePath/profileUSER -d /viewElementDirectoryPath pbtest1.cbl pbtest2.cbl
    In this command:
    Is the location of the profileUSER file.
    Is the location of the parameterized build sample programs.
  2. Verify the following expected results:
    • The build succeeded.
    • The following files are found in the OUTPUT_LOG location defined in profileUSER:
      • pbtest1.cbl_compile.log
      • pbtest2.cbl_compile.log
      • rccbuild.log
    • The following files are found in the viewElementDirectoryPath. In these file names, sourcefile is the name of the file for which the parameterized build command is issued, such as s1alloc_pbtest1.bcl.
      • compile_sourceFile.jcl
      • devprint_sourceFile.jcl
      • lnkbatch_sourceFile.jcl
      • s1alloc_sourceFile.jcl
      • s1delete.jcl
    • Return codes for MVS™ steps S1DELETE, S1ALLOC, COB, LDNAME, and LKED are all '000000'.
    • The following files are found in the OUTPUT_LIST location defined in profileUSER:
      • userid_sourceFile_cob.sysprint
      • userid_sourceFile_ldname.sysprint
      • userid_sourceFile_lked.sysprint