Create a view


To create a view, do these steps:
  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 2 and press Enter.
    The View and Stream panel opens.
  2. On the Option line, type 2 and press Enter.
    The Create View specification panel opens. This panel is populated with the following information from the profile you selected when you started TSO Client and the executing environment for the view creation function:
    • Platform: The platform on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase®: WINDOWS or UNIX.
    • Host Name: The IP address or the hostname of the distributed system on which you are running the TSO Client server.
    • Port: The port number of the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client.
  3. Complete the following fields on this panel and then press Enter.
    • ClearCase Type: The type of ClearCase environment: UCM or NONUCM.
    • View Type: The type of view: DYNAMIC or SNAPSHOT.
    • View Name: Type a name for the view. This name appears in the local host's file system as a subdirectory of the viewroot directory.
    • View Path: Type the view storage location (the path to the view on the distributed system). For a dynamic view, it is the location at which a new view storage directory is to be created. For a snapshot view, it is the location at which the new snapshot view directory is to be created.
    • Stream Name: If the view is associated with a UCM project, type the name of the stream.
    • Project VOB: If the view is associated with a UCM project, type the name of the project versioned object base (VOB) in which the UCM stream is stored.


  • Create a UCM, SNAPSHOT view for UNIX

    ClearCase Type: UCM
    View Type: SNAPSHOT
    View Name: MY_UCMS_UNIX
    View Path: /cc_local/MY_UCMS_UNIX
    Project VOB: /vobs/ucm_pvob
    Stream Name: stream_dev

  • Create a NONUCM, DYNAMIC view for UNIX

    ClearCase Type: NONUCM
    View Type: DYNAMIC
    View Name: MY_NOND_UNIX
    View Path: /cc_storage/cc_view/MY_NOND_UNIX.vws
    Stream Name: N/A
    Project VOB: N/A

  • Create a UCM, DYNAMIC view for WINDOWS

    ClearCase Type: UCM
    View Type: DYNAMIC
    View name: MY_UCMD_WIN
    View Path: \\win_hostname\ccstg_c\views\MY_UCMD_WIN.vws
    Stream Name: stream_dev
    Project VOB: \ucm_pvob

  • Create a NONUCM, SNAPSHOT view for WINDOWS

    ClearCase Type: NONUCM
    View Type: SNAPSHOT
    View name: MY_NONS_WIN
    View Path: \cc_local\MY_NONS_WIN
    Stream Name: N/A
    Project VOB: N/A