Submitting build requests using the View Files List panel

TSO Client provides three commands for submitting build requests from the View Files List panel.

Before you begin

The build commands for the View Files List panel operate on JCL files or makefiles. These files are mapped to partitioned data sets that are different from the data sets to which source files are mapped. To open the View Files List panel:
  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 4.
  2. On the left side of the Dataset Action panel, under DSLIST, type s beside a JCL or makefile data set. The View Files List panel opens with a list of files in the selected data set.
For more information about using the View Files List, see Working with files.

About this task

You can use the View Files List panel to submit local or remote builds using the following commands:
  • SUB - submits the selected JCL file. Use this command to request a local build.
  • MK - performs a clearmake submission of the selected makefile. Use this command to request a remote build.
  • MKP - performs a clearmake submission of the selected makefile and parameter file. Use this command to request a remote build with parameters.

Submitting JCL for a build (local build)


On the View Files List panel, do one of the following:
  • Type sub next to the file name of the JCL file you want to submit. The submit request is submitted.
  • Type s next to the file name and press Enter. The Select Action panel displays. Type sub on the option line and press Enter. The submit request is submitted. Press PF3 END to return to the View Files List panel.

What to do next

Use the SDSF facility on your system to view your JES job output.

Submitting a makefile (remote build)


On the View Files List panel, do one of the following:
  • Type mk next to the file name of the makefile you want to submit. The makefile request is submitted.
  • Type s next to the file name and press Enter. The Select Action panel displays. Type mk on the option line and press Enter. The makefile request is submitted. Press PF3 END to return to the View Files List panel.

What to do next

To see build results, type viewlog on the Option line of any TSO Client panel to view the TSO Client log.

Submitting a makefile with a parameter file (remote build)


  1. On the View Files List panel, do one of the following:
    • Type mkp next to the file name of the makefile you want to submit. The makefile request is submitted.
    • Type s next to the file name and press Enter. The Select Action panel displays. Type mkp on the option line and press Enter.
    The Select a parameter file panel opens. This list shows the same files shown in the View Files List panel. you use it to select the parameter file to submit with the build request.
  2. Type s next to the parameter file and press Enter.

What to do next

To see build results, type viewlog on the Option line of any TSO Client panel to view the TSO Client log.