Profiles error messages
Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM® Connections to identify problems with the Profiles application and find solutions.
Profiles messages
Message | Cause | Solution |
CLFRN0016I: Beginning transmission of DSML update request | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no solution is required. |
CLFRN0017I: Transmission of DSML update request complete | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no solution is required. |
CLFRN0020I: Removing DSML attribute from work entry: {0} = {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no solution is required. |
CLFRN0021I: Restoring previously removed DSML attribute back to work entry | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no solution is required. |
CLFRN0023I: Validation for DB field {0}: function {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no solution is required. |
CLFRN0024I: Validation for DB field {0}: {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no solution is required. |
CLFRN0026I: Validation result for {0} is {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0027I: Operation records are indicated
Informational. Not an error. This message provides a summary of the actions taken during task execution. Duplicate records are those records that were found and not processed or updated, depending on the operation. |
Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1280I: {0} Iterations total number: {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. For long running tasks, progress output is provided every 1,000 or 10,000 iterations, depending on the task. A timestamp is included at the beginning of each output statement. |
CLFRN0029I: Search filter being set: {0} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0030I: Search base being set: {0} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0032I: Deleting changelog state key {0} from user store | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0033I: Setting changelog state key {0} in user store to {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0035I: Deleting draft iterator state key {0} from user store | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0036I: Setting draft iterator state key {0} in user store to {1} | Informational. Not an error. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0037I: After synchronization, records are
indicted as:
Informational. Not an error. This message provides a summary of actions that occurred during the synchronization task. Duplicate records are ones that were found and not changed. These counts provide the summary of the operations. |
Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN0100E: ERROR: Function {0} has {1} arguments. {2} expected. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function, incorrect argument number. | Check the customized function in the profiles_functions.js file. |
CLFRN0101E: ERROR: {0} exists but is not a function. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function. The function failed JavaScript eval() function. |
Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. Check the syntax on the function for standard JavaScript syntax. |
CLFRN0102E: ERROR: function {0} is not loaded. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function. The function was not found in the file. |
Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. Check to see that the function name is spelled correctly and is proper JavaScript syntax. |
CLFRN0103E: ERROR: Missing closing bracket in {0} in value for field {1}. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function. The function syntax is incorrect and missing a closing bracket. |
Check the customized function. Correct the syntax of the function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. |
CLFRN0104E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of mapping function for {0}. Exception is: {1} | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. If this error is encountered using a supplied function, contact customer support. Otherwise, debug your custom function. |
CLFRN0105E: ERROR: No value in {0} for field {1}. Aborting | An error occurred during field mapping. | Check that the field mapping is correct. |
CLFRN0106E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of mapping functions from file {0}. Exception is: {1} | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file profiles_functions.js. |
CLFRN0107E: ERROR: Failure read of mapping functions from file {0}. Exception is: {1} | An error occurred while loading functions from the specified file. | Check the customized function. The functions are stored in the file specified by the source_ldap_map_functions_file property, which by default is profiles_functions.js. |
CLFRN0108E: ERROR: No UID for add or update for DN {0}. Skipping | There is no corresponding UID for DN {0}. | Check the UID attribute mapping in the mapping file. |
CLFRN0111E: No DN for add or update. | There is no DN value for this entry. | Check whether it is a validate LDAP entry. |
CLFRN0112E: Mapping of fields failed for entry {0} | An error occurred while doing the mapping for UID {0}. | Check that the field mapping is correct. |
CLFRN0113E: Function {0} has {1} arguments. {2} or {3} expected. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function, incorrect argument number. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0114E: {0} exists but is not a function. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0115E: Function {0} is not loaded. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0116E: ERROR: Missing closing bracket in {0} in value for field {1}. Aborting | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0117E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of validation function for {0}. Exception is: {1} | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0119E: ERROR: Failure during creation of internal validation function for {0}. Exception is: {1} | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0120E: ERROR: Internal failure. Validation function for {0} not a function. Type is: {1}. Validation failed. | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0121E: ERROR: Validation function for {0} did not return a boolean. Validation failed. | An error occurred for a customizable function. | Check the customized function. This message occurs during validation. |
CLFRN0128E: ERROR: Operation failure. Last successful entry: {0}. Error message is: {1} | A fatal error occurred during processing and after the last successful entry. | Check the error message and log files. If the items being processed are from a distinct set, the item after the last successful entry is the problem cause. |
CLFRN0129E: ERROR: Unexpected Synchronize Database operation: {0}. It is ignored. | An unexpected operation was encountered. | Check the error message and contact customer support; this is an internal error. |
CLFRN0130E: ERROR: Unexpected Attempt to Synchronize Database with \"modify\" operation for DN {0}. It is skipped. | The modify operation is not
supported for DN {0}. The SyncDBFromSource assembly line is being used with an unsupported operation. |
If this error is encountered using supplied assembly lines, contact customer support. Otherwise, convert modify to replace in your custom code. |
CLFRN0136E: Unable to load DN {0}. Skipping entry. | An error occurred while looking up DN {0}. An error occurred while looking up the specified distinguished name (DN) in the source. |
Check the LDAP source. Check the configuration of the source parameters and mappings. Set source_ldap_debug=true to help debug and examine log files for errors. |
CLFRN0137E: LDAP Sorted Page size not a valid positive integer: {0} | The sort string is not a positive value. | Check the source_ldap_sort_page_size property value in the properties file. |
CLFRN0138E: LDAP Sorting specified but LDAP Server does not support sorting | The LDAP server does not support sorting. | Disable sorting from the properties file. Sort is an optional attribute of an LDAP server. If the LDAP server used does not support sorting, then this property cannot be set in the properties file. Clear any settings for the following properties:
CLFRN0139E: LDAP Sorting specified but sort attribute not found in search filter: {0} | There is no sort attribute found in the search filter. | Check the properties setting and add the sort attribute. |
CLFRN0140E: Required property {0} not set | The specified property or property value is missing from the file. | Add the needed property or property value to the file. |
CLFRN0142E: New changelog state value not specified or not valid: {0} | The changelog state value is not valid. | Contact customer support. |
CLFRN0144E: New draft iterator state value not specified or not valid: {0} | The draft iterator state value is not valid. | Contact customer support. |
CLFRN0149E: ERROR: Failure during evaluation of compute function for {0}. Exception is: {1} | An error occurred while calling compute function {0}. | Check the computing function and contact customer
support. The function used to provide multiple values for the given name or surname produced an error. Check the function and correct any problems. |
CLFRN0200W: WARNING: No existing record found for {0}. Skipping update | Looking up the specified record failed, execution proceeds to the next record. | This is a warning message only; no action is required. |
CLFRN0208W: No existing record found for {0} with sequence number{1}. Skipping update | This is a warning message. | Warning only; no action is required. |
CLFRN0209W: Validation failed for field {0}. Value is {1} | An error was encountered when validating attribute values for the specified entry. The entry was skipped. | Identifies the field that is failing validation. If the field value is too long it can be modified using a mapping function or by assignment to a longer field or extension attribute. |
CLFRN0211W: WARNING: LDAP Sorted Page size attribute not found in entry. Skipping entry with DN: {0} | This is a warning message. | Warning only; no action is required. |
CLFRN0212W: WARNING: Extension mapping for property id {0} does not include required mapping {1} in file {2}. No mapping for that id processed. | This is a warning message. | Warning only; no action is required. The specified extension attribute in the tdi-profiles-config.xml file was not processed. This messages displays when the profilesLinks extension included in the file, for example CLFRN0212W: Extension mapping for the property id profileLinks, does not also include required mapping profileLinks in the tdi-profiles-config.xml file. No mapping for that id processed. |
CLFRN0213W: WARNING: Extension mappings does not include property id list in property {0} in file {1}. No extension mappings processed. | This is a warning message. | Warning only; no action is required. |
CLFRN1001E: Exception raised while initializing resource caching service name <cache service>: <exception>. | The server encountered an error while initializing the resource caching service. | Report this problem to Customer Support. |
CLFRN1002E: Initialization options for resource RSIVD do not contain 'resourceIdRequestParameter' specification. | The server encountered an error in the reverse proxy filter. | Report this problem to Customer Support. |
CLFRN1007I: Unknown invalidator type: <invalidator type>. | The reverse proxy filter does not understand the invalidator type. | Check the type. |
CLFRN1008I: Invalid time to live value: <time to live>. | The reverse proxy filter does not understand the time to live value. | Check the value. |
CLFRN1009E: Exception raised while accessing cache service for id <id>: <exception>. | The server encountered an error when accessing the cache service. | Report this problem to Customer Support. |
CLFRN1010W: Unable to find config file <file>. | The server cannot find the reverse proxy configuration file. | Make sure the configuration file is present and valid. |
CLFRN1011E: Exception raised while parsing config file (<file>): <exception>. | There is a problem with the reverse proxy configuration file. | Report this problem to Customer Support. |
CLFRN1013E: Exception raised while retrieving resource id: <id>: <exception>. | The server encountered an error when attempting to retrieve the resource. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1014I: Unknown response setter type: <type>. | The server does not understand the response setter type. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1016I: Matching string [<string>], request headers are: <headers>. | The reverse proxy filter found a match. The request headers are as specified. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1023I: Initializing Profiles Management | The Profiles management application is starting. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1027I: Stopping Profiles Management | The Profiles management application is stopping. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1031E: Error registering mbean. | An internal error occurred when registering the Profiles MBean for wsadmin commands. | No solution is available. Try to stop and start the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server. |
CLFRN1032E: Error deleting profile | An internal error occurred when using wsadmin command to delete profile. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1033E: Error performing cache operation | An internal error occurred when initializing caches. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1034E: Error initializing Profiles JMX support: failed to register {0} | An internal error occurred when registering a message bean. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1035E: Error writing statistics file | An internal error occurred when writing statistics file from the wsadmin command. | No solution is available. Check whether the file system is full or the Profiles data directory is write-protected. |
CLFRN1037E: Error locating MBeanServer, no Profiles Administration MBeans registered | An internal error occurred when contacting the Profiles MBean server. | Make sure that the ‘port' is specified correctly when starting the wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1038E: Error enabling cache | An internal error occurred when enabling Profiles caches. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1039I: Executing disable FullReportsToChainCache request. | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1040E: Error fetching profiles | An internal error occurred when fetching a user profile from wsadmin command. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1041E: Error updating experience for {0} | An internal error occurred when updating a user's experience. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1042E: Error disabling cache | An internal error occurred when disabling Profiles caches. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1043I: Executing update experience for {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1044E: Error updating description for {0} | An internal error occurred when updating a user's description. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1045I: Executing reload FullReportsToChainCache request. | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1047I: Executing write statistics to {0} | Informational only. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1048E: Error deleting photo for {0} | An internal error occurred when deleting the photo for a user. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1052I: Executing clearProfilesLMCache request. | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1053E: Error updating profile | An internal error occurred when updating a user profile from wsadmin command. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1054I: Executing update description for {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1056I: Executing enable FullReportsToChainCache request. | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1057E: An error occurred querying the employee table | The server could not retrieve data from the EMPLOYEE table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1057I: No profile found for email {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1060E: An error occurred querying the photo table. | The server could not retrieve the image from the PHOTO table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1061E: An error occurred deleting the profile tag. | The server could not delete the tag from the PEOPLE_TAG table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1062E: An error occurred querying the employee type table. | The server could not retrieve data from the EMP_TYPE table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1063E: An error occurred deleting the pronunciation file. | The server could not delete the audio file from the PRONUNCIATION table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1064E: An error occurred querying the database. | The server could not retrieve data from the database. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1066E: An error occurred querying the organization table. | The server could not retrieve data from the ORGANIZATION table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1067E: An error occurred inserting the pronunciation file. | The server could not insert the audio file into the PRONUNCIATION table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1068E: An error occurred querying the work location table. | The server could not retrieve data from the WORKLOC table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1069E: An error occurred inserting the photo. | The server could not insert the photo into the PHOTO table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1070I: Elapsed time to load FullRprtToChainCache: {0} | The full report-to chain cache was loaded in the specified amount of time. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1071I: FullReportsToChainCache disabled. | The full report-to chain cache is disabled. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1073I: Full reporting chain cache size = {0} | The full report-to chain cache has the specified number of entries. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1074E: An error occurred querying the profiles extensions table. | The server could not retrieve data from the PROFILE_EXTENSIONS table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1074I: ProfilesObjectCache enabled | The Profiles object cache is now enabled. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1075E: An error occurred updating the employee record. | The server could not update the profile in the EMPLOYEE table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1075I: ProfilesObjectCache disabled | The Profiles object cache is now disabled. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1078E: An error occurred updating the profile tags. | The server could not update the tag in the PEOPLE_TAG table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1082E: An error occurred updating the photo. | The server could not update the photo in the PHOTO table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1083E: An error occurred deleting the photo. | The server could not delete the photo from the PHOTO table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1087E: FAILED: Reports to chain reload: {0} | The server failed to reload the report-to chain cache. | Use the administrative tasks to force a reload of the cache or shut down the server and restart. |
CLFRN1089E: An error occurred querying the pronunciation table. | The server could not retrieve the audio file from the PRONUNCIATION table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1090E: An error occurred querying the country table. | The server could not retrieve data from the COUNTRY table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1091E: Error with the active content filter. | An error occurred when filtering content entered by a user. The content was not filtered and was stored as entered by the user. | If the error continues, report the problem to Customer Support. |
CLFRN1092E: An error occurred updating the pronunciation file. | The server could not delete the audio file from the PRONUNCIATION table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1094E: An error occurred querying the draft table. | The server could not retrieve data from the EMP_DRAFT table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1098E: An error occurred inserting the profile tag. | The server could not insert the tag into the PEOPLE_TAG table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1099I: Organizational Structure functions are enabled. Init Report to chain caches if enabled. | Organization structure applications are enabled in the configuration. If the report-to chain cache is enabled, it will be initialized. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1102E: An error occurred updating the draft profiles extension. | The server could not write data into the PROFILE_EXT_DRAFT table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1108I: FullReportsToChainCache scheduled for {0} | The full reports to chain cache will be loaded at the specified time. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1109E: An error occurred querying the draft profiles extensions table. | The server could not retrieve data from the PROFILE_EXT_DRAFT table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1110E: Error retrieving lastUpdate from {0} | Internal error when retrieving the last update time for a user. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1111I: FullReportsToChainCache enabled. | The full reports to chain cache is enabled. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1112E: An error occurred inserting into the draft profiles extension table. | The server could not write data into the PROFILE_EXT_DRAFT table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1114E: An error occurred writing to the draft table. | The server could not write data into the EMP_DRAFT table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1115E: An error occurred updating the profiles extension. | The server could not update the data in the PROFILE_EXTENSIONS table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1116I: Organizational Structure functions are disabled. Do not init Report to chain caches. | Organization structure applications are disabled in the configuration. The report-to chain cache will not be initialized. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1117E: An error occurred querying the profile tags table. | The server could not retrieve data from the PEOPLE_TAG table. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1119E: An error occurred retrieving profile data. | The server was unable retrieve profile data from the database. | Check the database connection. |
CLFRN1120E: An error occurred. | The server encountered an error when processing the Atom request. | Check the logs for more information. |
CLFRN1121E: The requested Atom feed could not be built. | The server encountered an error when processing the Atom request. | Check the logs for more information. |
CLFRN1122E: No parameters were specified. | The issued request requires parameters. | See the product documentation for a listing of valid parameters. |
CLFRN1123E: No valid parameters were specified. | No valid parameters were supplied with the request. | See the product documentation for a listing of valid parameters. |
CLFRN1124I: ProfileLMCache enabled. | The profile last modified cache is enabled. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1125I: ProfileLMCache disabled. | The profile last modified cache is disabled. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1127E: Error retrieving ProfileLMCache. | The server encountered an error with the profile last modified cache. | Shut down the server and restart. |
CLFRN1126I: ProfileLMCache refresh scheduled for {0} | The profile last modified cache refresh is scheduled for the specified time. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1129E: Virus detected - {0} | A viirus was detected for a file. | Try to scan the files before making the upload to the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1130I: Communication error during virus scanning - {0} | There is a problem connecting to the virus scanning service. | Check that the virus scanning service configured is operating and functional. |
CLFRN1131I: Virus scanning enabled, using server(s) {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1132E: Virus scan error: {0} | This is a general virus scan error. | Make sure that the virus scanning server is accessible from the Profiles application server. |
CLFRN1133E: Viral content replaced | The file with the virus has been replaced. | No solution is available. |
CLFRN1134I: Content scanned - result OK | Informational only | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1135I: Executing disable ProfilesTagcloudCache request. | Informational only | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1136I: No profile found for userid {0} | Informational only | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1137I: Executing reload ProfilesTagcloudCache request. | Informational only | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1138I: Executing enable ProfilesTagcloudCache request. | Informational only | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1139E: Failed to enable ProfilesTagcloud Cache request. | An internal error occurred when enabling the Profiles organizational tag cloud. | Make sure that the indexes have been built by the search service. |
CLFRN1140I: ProfilesTagCloudCache disabled | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1141I: Not able to contact the search service. This may be due to application initialization ordering. Profiles will attempt to recontact the search service in a couple of minutes. As a result, the tag cloud will not be available immediately. | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1142I: The DB schema matches the expected version {0}. | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1143E: {0}: Found an extension attribute in the UI configuration that is a "xml-blob" extension attribute. These extension attributes may not show up in the UI layout configuration. The extension ID in question is: {1} | This is a product customization/configuration error. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1144E: Multiple profiles found for users with login: {0} | Found multiple profile records for one user login ID. | Check the LDAP and Profiles database to make sure that the user login ID is unique. |
CLFRN1145E: {0}: Found an attribute in the UI layout configuration that is not present in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. Attributes must be present in the data model configuration in order to be added to the UI layout. The name of the attribute is: {1} | This is a product customization/configuration error. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1146E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as a "richtext" field in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as a "richtext" field in the profiles-config.xml data model. The name of the attribute is: {1} | This is a product customization/configuration error. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1147E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as editable in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as editable in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. The name of the attribute is: {1} | This is a product customization/configuration error. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1148E: The DB schema does not match the expected version {0}. Found version {1}. | The Profiles database schema is incorrect. | Check the Profiles database version and upgrade to the required version. |
CLFRN1149E: An error occurred inserting into the profiles extension table | General database error. This problem may be intermittent. | Test database connections using the WebSphere® Application Server administration console. |
CLFRN1150I: ProfilesTagCloudCache scheduled for {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1151E: There was an error initializing the profile extension attribute configuration. | This is a product customization/configuration error. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1152E: Unable to contact the global search service. Please start the Search application if it is not started. If the service is started, please check the network connection. | An error occurred while contacting the search service. | Make sure that the search service is up and running, and that it is accessible from the Profiles server. |
CLFRN1153I: ProfilesTagCloudCache enabled | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1154E: Unsupported character encoding found in vcard configuration: {0} | This is a product customization/configuration error. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1155E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as editable in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as editable in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. The name of the attribute is: {1} | This is a Profiles configuration issue. | Check the configuration file, profiles-config.xml, to make sure that it is valid. |
CLFRN1156E: {0}: Found an attribute in the UI layout configuration that is not present in the profiles-config.xml data model configuration. Attributes must be present in the data model configuration in order to be added to the UI layout. The name of the attribute is: {1} | This is a Profiles configuration issue. | Check the profiles-config.xml file for user interface layout configuration to correct the problem. |
CLFRN1157E: There was an error initializing the profile extension attribute configuration. | This is a Profiles configuration issue. | Check the profiles-config.xml file for extension attribute configuration to correct the problem. |
CLFRN1158E: Could not resolve invalid URL pattern {0} | There is an invalid or missing enforce.role initialization parameter for the LCRestSecurityFilter. | Undo your customization to the Profiles web.xml file and consult with Customer Support before re-adding your changes. |
CLFRN1159E: {0}: Found an extension attribute in the UI configuration that is an xml-blob extension attribute. These extension attributes may not show up in the UI layout configuration. The extension ID in question is: {1} | This is a Profiles configuration issue. | Check the profiles-config.xml file for the xml extension attributes to correct the problem. |
CLFRN1160E: {0}: Found an attribute that is marked as a richtext field in the UI layout configuration, but not marked as a richtext field in the profiles-config.xml data model. The name of the attribute is: {1} | This is a Profiles configuration issue. | Check the profiles-config.xml file for the rich text attributes to correct the problem. |
CLFRN1161I: source_ldap_required_dn_regex_pattern is {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1162W: WARNING: Validation failed for entry {0} | This is a warning. | This is a warning message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1163I: Source changes map functions file is "{0}" | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1164E: ERROR: No filter passed into collect_updated_dns_iterate. Should be called from collect_updated_dns. Aborting | There is no filter function passed into collect_update_dns_iterate. | Check the functions from the collect_ldap_dns_generator.js file. |
CLFRN1165I: Begin validation process | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1166W: Warning: Some updates may not be immediately available. | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1167E: The file you uploaded contains a virus. | A virus was found in the file being uploaded. | Scan the file before upload. |
CLFRN1168E: A connection to this user already exists or is pending. | The REST API call is trying to add an existing network connection as a colleague. | Make sure that the network connection doesn't exist before calling REST API to add one. |
CLFRN1170E: Resource not found. | The REST API call refers to a resource that is not found. | Make sure that the resource the REST API call exists. |
CLFRN1171E: The content submitted is either invalid XML content or non-validating. | The ATOM XML content is incorrect. | Check the ATOM XML content for its syntax. |
CLFRN1172E: The request is invalid. | The request in the REST API call is invalid. | Check that the REST API call is correct. |
CLFRN1173E: The init parameter enforce.role must be defined for this servlet filter. | There is an invalid or missing enforce.role initialization parameter forLCRestSecurityFilter. | Undo customization in the Profiles web.xml file and consult with Customer Support before re-adding your changes. |
CLFRN1174E: You are not authorized to perform that action. | The user has not logged in or has provided the wrong credentials. | Provide the correct credential to perform the action. |
CLFRN1175E: This operation is not supported. | The REST API call is not supported in Profiles. | Check the REST API call and make sure that it is a supported call. |
CLFRN1176E: An error occurred while getting profile by SourceURL: {0} | An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by the specified source URL. | Check if the source URL value is valid in the Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1177E: An error occurred while getting profile by UID: {0} | An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by the specified UID. | Check if the UID value is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1178I: source_ldap_required_dn_regex_pattern is {0} | Informational only. | Informational message; no solution is needed. |
CLFRN1179E: ERROR: Mapping of extension attribute {0} | An error occurred while mapping the extension attribute. | Check the tdi-profile-config.xml file for the extension attribute. |
CLFRN1180E: An error occurred while getting profile by GUID: {0} | An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by GUID. | Check if the GUID value is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1181I: output {0} entries from db | Informational message. | Informational message; no action is required. |
{0}CLFRN1182E: An error occurred while creating the profile: {0} | An error occurred while creating the specified profile. | Check the stack trace to find the root cause, especially the SQL error code. If it contains SQL error code -803, check if there are any duplicate entries in the database. If it contains SQL error code -407, check if all the not null attributes have a value in the entry that you want to create. |
CLFRN1183W: WARNING: Validation failed for entry {0} | This states that it is a warning, but it is actually a fatal error. | Identify the distinguished name of the record that is failing validation. Update the validation settings for the field in the file. |
CLFRN1184I: After iteration, success records is {0}, failure records is {1}, last successful entry is {2} | Informational message. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1185E: An error occurred while deleting the profile with key: {0} | An error occurred while deleting profile with the specified key. | Check the stack trace to find the root cause. Check if the entry exists in the Profiles database, and the UID value is as expected. |
CLFRN1186E: An error occurred while synchronizing on DN: {0} | An error occurred while synchronizing on the specified DN. | Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1187E: An error occurred while getting profile by Key: {0} | An error occurred while retrieving profile entry by the specified key. | Check if the key is valid in the Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1188E: wrapper service initialization error | An error occurred while initializing the TDI service. | Check the stack trace and contact customer support. |
CLFRN1189E: Fatal Error!!!!! there is unrecoverable error in the TDI backend - please check your DB connections | There is a fatal error in the TDI service. | Check the database connection and contact customer support. |
CLFRN1190I: Hash database has been finished. A total of {0} records processed from the database. | Informational message. | Informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1191E: An error occurred while getting profile by Email: {0} | An error occurred while retrieving the profile by email address. | Check if the email address is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace in the log file to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1192E: An error occurred while updating the profile: {0} | An error occurred while updating the specified profile. | Check the stack trace to find the root cause, especially the SQL error code. If it contains SQL error code -803, check if there are any duplicate entries in the database. If it contains SQL error code -407, check if all the not null attributes have a value in the new entry. |
CLFRN1193E: An error occurred while getting profile by DN: {0} | An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by DN. | Check if the DN value is valid in the current Profiles database. Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1194E: An error occurred while updating the manager field for entry: {0} | Failure to update manager field for entry {0}. | Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1195I: Source changes map functions file is "{0}" | Informational message. | Informational only; no action is required. |
CLFRN1196E: ERROR: No filter passed into collect_updated_dns_iterate. Should be called from collect_updated_dns. Aborting. | No filter was passed into the collect_updated_dns_iterate script. | When using the collect_updated_dns_iterate script, you must define a .js file to return the LDAP search filter. See the collect_ldap_dns_generator.js filer in the TDI_Solution\ directory for an example. |
CLFRN1197I: Begin validation process | Informational message. | Informational only; no action is required. |
CLFRN1198E: Your session timed out or a server error occurred. Please resubmit your changes. | There was a problem on the server while content was being edited. | Submit the changes again. |
CLFRN1199I: Profiles Worker processed {0} commands during this turn. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1200I: Processing Platform Command Event with id {0} and name {1} | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1201E: An error occurred while looking up the Profiles WebSphere® Application Server Scheduler. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred initializing the Profiles user life cycle subsystem. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1202W: An error occurred while initializing the Platform Command processor. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred initializing the Profiles user life cycle subsystem. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1215E: An error occurred while publishing the Platform Command event {0}. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1216E: An error occurred while building the properties of a Platform Event command. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1219E: Unable to update the database with passed parameters. It would result in a duplicate key (email, guid, login) with an existing record. | Found duplicate record in the Profiles database that the database population tool is trying to update. | Check the record that you are trying to update or create in the Profiles database. |
CLFRN1220I: Platform Command publication is disabled. No user synchronization data will be sent from Profiles to other applications (the property is set to false). Check the documentation for more details. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1221E: An error occurred while registering the Profiles Worker task in the scheduler. No user data synchronization with other application will happen. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1222I: Update detected for the interval of the Profiles Worker Process in scheduler. Adjusting task execution. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1223I: Profiles Worker Process Task already registered in scheduler. No action needed. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1224E: An error occurred while adjusting the Profiles Worker task in the scheduler. This might impact data synchronization capability with other application. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1225I: Registering Profiles Worker Process in scheduler. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1226I: Platform Command publication is enabled. User synchronization data will be sent from Profiles to other applications. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1227E: A general failure occurred when processing new user synchronization events. See nested exception for more details. | An error occurred with the Profiles user life cycle subsystem with the publishing of user life cycle data. | Resolve the underlying issues detailed in the exception, run the Scheduler.clearAllTasks() command in, and restart the Profiles application. |
CLFRN1228E: A general failure occurred when processing index updates. See nested exception for more details. | Typically a database error is preventing the system from updating the database. This might happen after upgrading to a newer version of IBM® Connections. Review the log files for errors. | Resolve the underlying database or environmental issues, and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1229I: Found matching definition for: {0} | Informational only. Indicates that a particular database feature is considered current. | Typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. |
CLFRN1230I: Did not find matching definition for: {0}. This definition will be created. | Informational only. This message is typically present the first time a user starts up after migrating to a newer version of IBM® Connections. This message indicates that a particular database feature has not been initialized. An automatic background process will later be started to update the database. | Typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. |
CLFRN1231I: Beginning rebuild of look-aside index tables and associated objects at {0}. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1232I: Canceling all Profiles system tasks. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1233W: Did not find matching index definition for: {0}. This definition will be created. Under normal operating conditions, there is a WebSphere® Application Server task that will correct this situation in a couple of minutes automatically if the Profiles App Server is running. If you are seeing this in TDI, the system will attempt to correct itself after the application starts. You can confirm this by checking the logs for a Beginning rebuild of look-aside... message within five minutes of this message on one of the nodes in your cluster. If you cannot find this message, run the rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command and review the logs for other errors. | Informational primarily. This message is present after upgrading to a newer version of IBM® Connections. This message alerts the administrator to review logs for further errors and ensure that the bulk user update feature completes cleanly. | If you see this message after applying an iFix or after upgrading to 3.0, typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. If you see this message repeatedly in a production environment, then review your log files for database errors immediately and correct those errors. After correcting the error, run ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() to ensure that the database is in a consistent state. |
CLFRN1234I: Processing bulk update of users. The current time is {0}. Total users reviewed is {1}. The number users with from this block who were successfully updated is {2}. The number of users where an error occurred during the update is {3}. | Informational only. This message is a periodic heartbeat metric for the auto-migrate feature. | Typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. |
CLFRN1235E: Error updating user: (name={0}, key={1}, uid={2}, distinguished-name={3}). | The system was unable to correct the user data for a particular user. This happens typically when migrating to a newer version of IBM® Connections. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. | Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1236E: Was not able to create a definition for: {0}. The system will not function until the issue is resolved. | Typically a database error is preventing the system from updating. This might happen after upgrading to a newer version of IBM® Connections. Review the log files for further errors. | Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1237I: Scheduling task ID: {0}. Start delay is {1} msec, task interval is {2} msec. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1238E: Unable to create object reference for user: (name={0}, key={1}, uid={2}, distinguished-name={3}). This user may not be able to login to the system and/or encounter other errors. | The system was unable to correct the user data for a particular user. This happens typically when migrating to a newer version of IBM® Connections. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. | Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1239E: Unable to complete rebuild of look-aside index tables and associated objects at {0}. The Profiles application will not run correctly until the issue is resolved. Please examine the log further for errors and resolve these issues before reattempting to build indexes. Total users reviewed is {1}; users successfully updated is {2}; and total errors updating users were {3}. | The system was unable to correct the user data for a set of users. This happens typically when migrating to a newer version of IBM® Connections. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. | Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1240W: Found non-matching index definition for: {0}. This definition will be updated. Under normal operating conditions, there is a WebSphere® Application Server task that will correct this situation in a couple of minutes automatically if the Profiles application Server is running. If you are seeing this in Tivoli® Directory Integrator, the system will attempt to correct itself after the application starts. You can confirm this by checking the logs for a Beginning rebuild of look-aside... message within five minutes of this message on one of the nodes in your cluster. If you cannot find this message, run the rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command and review the logs for other errors. | Informational primarily. This message alerts the administrator to review logs for further errors and ensure that the bulk user update feature completes cleanly. When applying iFixes, it might modify the internal working of components and lead to this message. If you see this message repeatedly without applying iFixes, review your log for further database or system errors. | If you see this message after applying an iFix, typically no action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. If you see this message repeatedly in a production environment, then review your log files for database errors immediately and correct those errors. After correcting the errors, run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() command to ensure that the database is in a consistent state. |
CLFRN1241E: Failed to select users for update due to error. # {0} is a date string | The system was unable to auto migrate the database schema to a newer version of IBM® Connections due to database issues. Examine the system-out log file for database error messages and resolve the issues. | Resolve the underlying database environmental issues and then run the ProfilesAdmin.rebuildLookAsideIndexes() wsadmin command. |
CLFRN1242I: Found non-matching definition for: {0}. This definition will be updated. | Informational only. This message indicates that a particular database feature was altered the last time the system started up. When applying iFixes, it might modify the internal working of components and lead to this message. | No action needs to be taken unless other errors are seen. |
CLFRN1243I: Canceling task ID: {0}. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1244I: Completed rebuild of look-aside index tables and associated objects at {0}. Total users reviewed is {1}. The total number of users successfully updated is {2}. The number of users with errors during the update is {3}. | This is an informational message only. | This is an informational message; no action is required. |
CLFRN1245E: search value is null. | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry entry, the searchValue is null. | Set the searchValue correctly. |
CLFRN1246E: An error occurred while performing queryReply: {0} | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while performing the queryReply function in the backend: {0} | Check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1247E: can not find the entry with the searchValue: {0} | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while retrieving the profile entry by the specified searchValue entry. | Check if the search value is correct. Or check the stack trace to find the root cause. |
CLFRN1248E: The codeItem is null. | There was an error creating a code object from the input attributes when the CodesConnector called in addOnly mode, or in update mode if the item was not originally found | Supply the correct values in the input map when calling the CodesConnector. If calling a supplied fill_* .bat or .sh process, be sure the supplied .csv file conforms to the format needed for the codes type. |
CLFRN1251E: An error occurred while updating Item by linkStream: {0} | An error occurred using the PhotoConnector in update mode with thelinkStream attribute. | Open and check the file using a viewing tool. Check the size and type of the
file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_photos=true in the file for additional tracing information. Note: These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the
Profiles user interface. |
CLFRN1252E: An error occurred while updating Item by linkStream: {0} | An error occurred using the PronunciationConnector in update mode with the linkStream attribute. | Open and check the file using an audio tool. Check the size and type of the
file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_pronounce=true in the file for additional tracing information. Note: These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the
Profiles user interface. |
CLFRN1253E: An error occurred while updating Item by mediaContent: {0} | An error occurred using the PronunciationConnector in update mode with the audioFile attribute. | Open and check the file using an audio tool. Check the size and type of the
file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_pronounce=true in the file for additional tracing information. Note: These are the same criteria used when uploading information from the
Profiles user interface. |
CLFRN1254E: An error occurred while performing findEntry: {0} | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred when searching for an entry in the Profiles database. The connector lookup mode did not find any matches. | If you are using a supplied connector, examine
the log files for more information. Set an appropriate debug property
for more tracing information. If you are using a custom connectors in your own assembly line, check the link criteria and input attributes. |
CLFRN1255E: unsupported SearchCriteria:{0} | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. The current searchCriteria:{0} is unsupported. The PhotoConnector or PronunciationConnector is being used in lookup mode with other than a uid or key link criteria. | Set the search criteria correctly. Use uid or key as the link criteria; these are the only supported values. |
CLFRN1262E: unsupported update method. | For the PhotoConnector, neither the linkStream nor
the image attribute was specified. For the PronunciationConnector, neither the linkStream nor the audioFile attribute was specified. |
Specify one of the supported attributes, in update mode, to update the entry’s photo or pronunciation. |
CLFRN1257E: An error occurred while updating Item by ImageContent: {0} | An error occurred using the PhotoConnector in update mode with the image attribute. | Open and check the file using a viewing tool.
Check the size and type of the file. Check the log files for details. Set debug_photos=true in the file for additional tracing information. Note: These are the same criteria used when
uploading information from the Profiles user interface. |
CLFRN1258I: No data is present in the table. | The iterator mode of the Codes Connector returned no entries. | If the table in the database does contain data,
check the log files for details. Set debug_fill_codes=true in the file for additional tracing information. |
CLFRN1259E: The tableName does not match any name listed in the table. | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred when updating the codes table (country/workloc/emptype/department/organization). The table name is not in the listed table names. | Make sure the table name is not in these table
CLFRN1260E: An error occurred while deleting Item: {0} | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. An error occurred while deleting the specified item. The error occurred using the delete mode of one of the connectors. | Check the stack trace to find the root cause. If you are using a supplied connector, examine the log files for more information. Set an appropriate debug property for more tracing information. If you are using one of the connectors in your own assembly line, check the link criteria to ensure that lookup mode can find the item. |
CLFRN1261E: An error occurred while performing putEntry method. | The connector failed in addOnly mode when called or in update mode if the item was not originally found. | If you are using a supplied connector, examine the log files for more information. Set an appropriate debug property for more tracing information. |
CLFRN1262E: Unsupported update method. | This is a Profiles Tivoli® Directory Integrator connector error message. | The photo/pronunciation connector can only support update from linkStream and content inputs. |
CLFRN1352E: Error : Command failed to update user role for user : {0}. | An error happened while proccesing a command to update a user role. | Check spelling and accuracy of supplied user identification data values. See system logs for additional information. |
CLFRN1353E: Error processing input user list. The error message is {0}. | An error happened while proccesing a command to update the user roles. | Check spelling and accuracy of supplied user identification data values. See system logs for additional information. |
CLFRN1354E: Error : Command failed to set user role for user : {0}. | An error happened while proccesing a command to set a user role. | Check spelling and accuracy of supplied user identification data values. See system logs for additional information. |
CLFRN1355I: A DynaCache instance for {0} has been created with TTL {1}. | This message is an informational log message seen in the system log during Profiles startup, noting the startup of an internal data cache. | No action is required. |
CLFRN1356E: Internal Error : the cache with JNDI lookup ID: {0} is in an invalid state while performing {1}. | This message may be seen in the system log. This is an internal error situation. | Restarting the Profiles application should correct the error state. If not, try a complete server restart. If error persists, contact Customer Support and provide all logged information. |
LFRN1357E: Error terminating cache with JNDI lookup ID: {0}. The error message is {1}. | This message may be seen in the system log when the Profiles application is being terminated. This indicates an internal error situation. | No action is required. However, if error is seen frequently on server shutdown, first try a complete server restart. If error persists, contact Customer Support and provide all logged information. |
CLFRN1358E: Unable to find requested cache {0} in DynaCache environment. | This message may be seen in the system log when the Profiles application is being terminated. This indicates an internal error situation. | No action is required. However, if error is seen frequently on server shutdown, first try a complete server restart. If error persists, contact Customer Support and provide all logged information. |
CLFRN1359E: Unable to terminate requested cache {0} in DynaCache environment; received error {1}. | This message may be seen in the system log when the Profiles application is being terminated. This indicates an internal error situation. | No action is required. However, if error is seen frequently on server shutdown, first try a complete server restart. If error persists, contact Customer Support and provide all logged information. |
CLFRN1360E: Unable to reset requested cache {0} in DynaCache environment; received error {1}. | This message may be seen in the system log when the Profiles application is in normal operation mode. This indicates an internal error situation. | No action is required. However, if error is seen frequently on server shutdown, first try a complete server restart. If error persists, contact Customer Support and provide all logged information. |
CLFRN1361E: The profile type XML string submitted for organization {0} contains invalid data. Please check : {1}. | This message may be seen when resetting the default profile type for an organization. It indicates that the syntax or content of the supplied XML is invalid and could not be parsed. | Edit the XML, verifying that is it syntactically correct. |
CLFRN1362E: Error updating profile type for organization : {0}. | This message may be seen when resetting the default profile type for an organization. It indicates that the supplied data is inaccurate. | Check the supplied input data. Verify the organization ID is correct and refers to an existing organization. Ensure that the supplied XML string is syntactically correct. |